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at work:

•idk if you're working with him but if you are you for sure scare him every now and then
•you definitely throw stuff at him to wake him up
•you don't like vanessa cuz i said so
• "stop throwing things at me, i'm awake"

babysitting abby:

•you're definitely cooler than mike when it comes to this
•let her do whatever she wants
•enforce a little bit of rules so she doesn't end up babysitting you
•you color with her
•you sometimes call your parent to watch her if mike forgets something (and he will because i say so) because mike asked that you don't bring her to his job
•you drop her off at school and mike picks her up
•you take her out without telling mike


•he doesn't get a lot of it
•you always try to help him with chores or anything so he can get more sleep
•he definitely snores, but in a cute way
• "can we just take a nap?"
•sometimes you lose sleep making sure that he's getting enough sleep (vise versa)
•he usually sleeps with his head on your chest
•sometimes he deadass lays on you for comfort
•sleeps on his stomach/side for sure

sex life:

•well hey at least you have one
•you guys don't do it often because of his sleep addiction repulsion problem and because of abby
•when you do tho, you guys try you're bests to not make a lot of noise
•can't contain himself
•his hands go everywhere on your body, and i mean everywhere
•you guys DONT call each other mommy/daddy due to cringiness
•you guys kiss a lot during sex
• "is this okay?"


•like the sex life, you guys don't go on dates a lot
•you guys don't go on fancy dates, more like mall dates, which he hates but he still does it cause you like it
•cheap restaurant dates
•movie dates
•sex dates (which are very rare)


•likes holding you
•loves being held
•lots of kisses
•lots of head rubs/back rubs
•mostly ends in falling asleep


•he's very quiet, but he can make you really loud
•lots of affection
•small disagreements on stuff
•reminding him to do basic things to survive
•very little pda
•cooking for each other (and abby)
•you sometimes pick abby up from school so mike can get more sleep
•doesn't drink


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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