Chapter 2 Studious Love

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6:00 a.m time to start college as freshmen's with Alejandro studying Robotics and Noah studying cookery

[Noah gets up angrily immediately going to get coffee]

A: We'll good morning to you too pantalones gruñones.
[Grumpy pants]
N: Sorry, I'm just so tired and stressed with college starting and I'm barely prepared!

A: I get it compañero de cuarto
[He Said laughing]

N: We'll I'm glad you get it no one understands mental health in my family their always like "You need to be smart" "what do you mean you need a mental health day you just need more sleep"......
[Noah cut himself of for a few seconds]
You know?

A: I feel the same....Although I'm the youngest I'm the most hated I'm my family. Everyone always thinks I'm the most "spoiled" or "loved" but my family hates me. They push me way to far just to be disappointed bye me......Like they know I'll fail yet they make me do it to laugh or make fun of me. And I swear my brothers Carlos and José are out to get me.

N: wow, uh I don't know what to say....

A: I know, I know, I know but we need to start getting ready faster, classes are in an hour we might have to skip breakfast.

N: Yea I know I guess I'll see you at lunch?

A: I suppose.

[First few classes]
Alejandro's POV:

Teacher: Hello class as today is your first day as freshman-

[Alejandro zoned out not listening to his teacher thinking of Noah's dark brown hair and rare beautiful smile]
Lo amo con todo mi corazón pero no sé que decir....
[I love him with all my heart but I don't know what to say]
[Alejandro mumbled to himself]
[I thought we were best friends but I never fathomed i would "like" him so much! I wish I was with him more and knew more about him]

Teacher: -And that's what you will expect throughout this year. And now since it is your first day I will only make you read chapter 1-2. Class dismissed for lunch.

Noah's POV:

Teacher: Welcome to class Chef! And as I know you guys are freshmen So welcome! Today we will just learn some basics you might already know like making Pasta or-

[Noah was on the verge of sleeping and planned to sleep instead of going to lunch as he couldn't focus anymore and felt quite woozy his mind was racing from anywhere to everywhere until he refocused hearing the teacher say the words-]

Teacher: Class dismissed for lunch no "cook work " today, goodbye!

[Both of them stumbled to the dorm room for different reasons because neither was hungry Alejandro just wanted to get a head start on his homework, And Noah just wanted a nap because of how exhausted he was. They both stumbled into each-other at the door.]

A: Oh hello there Noah what are you

N: I want a nap.
[He said stubbornly]

A: Oh ok!
[He said quickly opening the door with his key for Noah to stumble in and fall on his bed]
Uh Noah your on my b-
Ok whatever idiota cansado.
[Tired idiot]
[he mumbled]
[Alejandro put on his headphones and started to softly sing white reading his robotics book]
I think I'll put my hair into a ponytail....
[He whispered]
[As he was putting his hair into the pony tail he heard Noah snoring]
Ah, esta dormido
[Ah, he is asleep]

[Timer goes off]

[Alejandro put everything away and expected Noah to be awake, But he wasn't so Alejandro decided to wake him up]
[He said In a soft tone]

R👀MATES  FAN-FICTION A-Alejandro       N-Noah             [AleNoah]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang