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Highbirds - Spirits of past Soarers, Elders, Hatchlings, or Trainees and Medinees!

Sharp Tooths- Cats, Dogs, and Wolves

Soarers- Birds who can hunt, fly and fight other birds.

Hunting Docks- Places where birds can go hunting!

Vulture's Cave-
A story that teaches Hatchlings not to trust Vulture's.
Across a lake, you will seek,
Inside a cave, you will smell something that reeks! You must never take a peek, or you will never have a beak.

Trainees- Birds that train to hunt, figur, and fly.

Medinees- Birds learning about Herbs and Spices to heal birds, and work along with Medicine Birds.

Medicine Birds- Skilled Medicine Birds, who know about the Herbs and Spices to heal a bird in need.

The Seven Beaks- A green terrain where 7 trees arch over to symbol the beaks of all birds. A place where all camps are at peace, and can chat on concerns, and host meetings.

The Owl Trees - Where Owls live, in high trees that are near EagleCamp.

Hatchlings- Baby birds, whom are taking care of by Queens.

Queens- Birds who are in labor, or gave birth already.

Fresh Feed- Fresh prey found by birds, in The HighBirds Scroll, you must share your food with you camp, to be a true Soarer.

Runts- Birds or Non-Birds, whom cause suspicion, and belong to no Camp or no Skinner.

Bird Feeder- A domesticated bird, whom has no skill in fighting or hunting, lives in the No Nest area.

No Nest- A group of Houses, filled of No Nests, but has plenty of Spices. Cats, Dogs, and Wolves live in or nearby.

Skinners- Humans.

Glider- A Soarer, CoCaptain, or Captain, or Medicine Bird, teaching a Trainee or Medinee.

Lovebird(s)- Two birds who love each other.

Flight: Book One: Hummingbird's Song Where stories live. Discover now