Child of a Foreign Land

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"Rather lively today, isn't it?" Luomen said, although he seemed perfectly relaxed. He wasn't wearing his white doctor's outfit today; he was in men's clothing, although his pudgy silhouette and warm expression still gave him the appearance of an old lady. He made his way slowly but steadily along the thoroughfare, leaning on his cane.

"Careful not to trip," Maomao said, keeping a watchful eye out as she walked at his side. Roads weren't normally a problem for him, but this one was particularly busy, made even more so by the festival atmosphere. For an old man missing a kneecap, a stray bump from a passerby could be enough to send him sprawling.

"Oh, I'm fine."

"I'm sure you are. Just humor me."

Normally Maomao might have spoken more bluntly to her father, but today she tried to mind her manners. There were other people present. Namely Yao and En'en, along with the doctor who was forever getting angry at Maomao. A soldier was with them too, as a bodyguard.

What brought them outside the palace confines? A shopping trip. Only Yao had gone last time, but today all three of the girls were along. That was partly because there wasn't too much to carry, and partly because the medical office was too busy to spare all its doctors. The last shopping trip had demonstrated how tricky things could get with no physicians present.

There was arguably one more reason as well: the person they would be purchasing medicine from was a foreigner. Maomao's father was the most accomplished in the foreign tongue among the medical staff, while Maomao, En'en, and the other doctor each knew at least a little. On this trip, Yao was just along for the ride.

"We should have taken a carriage," Maomao grumbled.

"A carriage? With all these people around? We would only have been a nuisance," Luomen said. He sounded cheerful, but Maomao thought it was cruel to make an injured old man walk all this way.

Other than that, she was very happy with the situation. She got to be with her father and see some uncommon medicine. Exciting!

"Don't do anything unless we tell you to," said the other doctor—call him Scary Doctor—glaring at Maomao. (Hey, she knew how to behave herself in public.) She'd long had the feeling that he was keeping an eye on her, and since the incident with the frog-based salve the other day, his surveillance had only become more intense. Incidentally, she had finally started to remember his name just recently. It was Dr. Liu.

"Sorry about this," Luomen said, but he didn't contradict the other man. He was going to defer to Dr. Liu.

Yao seemed to have a little more respect for Maomao's father than before. As ever, En'en was doing whatever she could to help Yao, and the young mistress had recently been quite personable.

She was just sheltered.

Yao was trying to look nonchalant, but Maomao saw her eyes dart to the storefronts from time to time. She looked antsy, ready to run; she didn't seem used to the volume of people. En'en was watching just as closely as Maomao, and although her face remained impassive, there was something hidden behind that deliberately blank expression. Her eyes sparkled like she'd spotted a baby squirrel and was enjoying the sight. Maybe Yao had been brought along this time because the doctors figured she hadn't gotten used to going shopping the first time.

Think she's really cut out for this? Maomao wondered. En'en was diligently minding Yao. If I had to guess, I would say she's enjoying it. Well, that was better than having to force her kicking and screaming.

While Yao was busy being distracted as they passed a candy crafter, the group arrived at their destination. It was a luxurious restaurant—one Maomao had made use of before. It was amply supplied with private rooms where its typically rich clientele could have private conversations.

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