Bigfoot next door ❀

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HE LEFT UNBELIEVABLE I KNEW HE WAS A JERK BUT STILL the door swings open and felix walks in "elias what happened?" He saids kinda concerned why am wiping my white shirt like a maniac "FUCKING BIG FOOT SPILT COFFEE ON ME" I say clearly frustrated "wait am gonna check if I have an extra shirt in my locker" felix runs out of the bathroom to check his locker.

He finds a hoodie that was good enough and runs back into the bathroom "I.. it" he saids heavily breathing "finally" I grab the hoodie from his hands "no thanks??... Wow" he saids disappointed "you don't deserve one for blowing up my phone" I say as put on the hoodie that was really big for me.

We both leave the bathroom to head to our next class this time we have the same class so I don't have to sit next to anyone I don't know or really just don't wanna talk too

We both sit in the back next to a girl we actually never saw before "was she always here" felix askes me like I know "I don't know"
"Your no help" he saids "whatever am no genie" he taps her on the shoulder "uh hi..are you new here?" He asked her "um no" she saids back
Felix looks back at me and back at her "oh I actually never saw you here before"

He puts his hand out wait for a handshake "am Felix" she puts her hand out "Lia" she shakes his hand

After class I wait for Mia to drop me and Felix off Felix was staring at his phone real hard "what are you doing" I ask him concerned like really

"You know Lia?" "Oh yea her" "she gave me her number" "is that it? " he rolls his eyes at me I notice my sister coming up to us so I start walking towards her "finally" "yea yea get in to the car"

We enter her car I sit in the back seat like I always do "so are you going?" Mia asked me as she starts the car "what do you mean?" I say back to her clearly clueless "to the party?" She saids driving "idk yet" "what do you mean you have literally nothing to do at home"

"So?" I tell her "Felix tell your best friend that he's going" Mia tells Felix "what do you think I can do?" Felix saids scrolling through his contact Mia rolls her eyes "you might end up meeting a cute guy elias!" "Ugh fine" I tell her knowing am just gonna be scrolling through tiktok the whole time

We get to Felix's house to drop him off "bye guys" he gets out the car Mia start driving off "don't you think Bigfoot looks a little like Hudson" I say to her "oh your right... " she saids while we drive home "prob a coincidence" she says to me "yea probably" the rest of the drive home was filled with tiktok songs from my phone

We reach our house I leave the car and head to the house I open the door to see my mom with a friend in the living room "oh honey don't you remember Hudson's mom?" I shut the door "oh yea" I get closer to her and realise that she was here "oh my elias you've grown so much!" She saids to me I smile LITTERLY not knowing what to say

I sit on the couch next to my mom just to see my sister running in like a maniac or she running from the cops "ELIAS YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS BIGFOOT LIVES NEXT DOOR" both moms look at her confused she "BIGFOOT?" (they still don't know his name 🤧)

She realizes that Hudsons mom was her "oh... Hi ms madreson" she pulls me by the arm to the kitchen "elias! Do you know what this means??" "Uh... Not really" "Hudson lives here to! And you know how you said Bigfoot looks like Hudson?" "Ah.... Yea?" "BIGFOOT IS HUDSON!" My mom walks in "why don't you both go see hudson?" I look at my sister then back at my mom "no" "yes" I look at her "I don't wanna see him!" "Well you have to no matter what happened between you two!" B.. But

And just like that I was kicked out of my own house with my sister "let's go" she tells me I walk behind her she knocks on the door "yes?"

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