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The sun wasn't streaming through my window when I woke up. That surprised me considering back in Texas everyone considered California to be always warm and sunny. I guess they didn't mention that the Winters were cold and miserable. 

I got up and peered out of my window to find a blanket of snow covering the backyard. My little sister was building a snowman and my dog was rolling through the snow. I opened my window to say good morning.

" Morning, Belle! " Her real name was Isabelle, but Belle meant Beautiful in French, so it fit. No one could ever compare to the young child's gorgeous looks. " Lucy Grace! Look, Look! It's SNOW! " She yelled. I smiled and told her I'd play with her after I got ready for school if I still had time.

I quickly showered and did my hair before putting on my warmest clothes which wasn't much, since cold weather back in Texas was rare. We had just moved to California, my mother, sister, and I.

I put on my wrist brace and dashed outside. " Lucy Grace! It's about time you got out here to play with me! " She said before chunking snow at me, missing and hitting my blonde hair. "Oh, you little rascal! " I taunted before chasing her with a wad of snow.

Mom appeared in the door before telling me the bus would be here in three minutes. It was my first day, and I wasn't going to ride my bike to school with the roads so icy. I gave Belle a hug and dashed out the door.

After only a week, I hated California. Sacramento sucked. So did about every other damn city here. I had made no friends, and the only person I knew my age was the neighbors son, who blasted Judas Priest all night.

I scanned the faces at the bus stop before deciding that most of them were too cool to be seen with a Texan. The neighbors son, who I think was named Jake or something like that, looked up at me, so I immediately turned on my Walkman. I wasn't in the mood to get into a boring conversation about Rally-X or Missile Command.

" Howdy, Partner! " A voice mocked. I turned around to see two probably filthy rich girls laughing. Perhaps the boots were too much. I didn't own any other shoes than my boots, though. 

" Hey, what's a Texan doin' here? " Another voice asked. I rolled my eyes before putting my headphones back on.

" That's all right, Mama. That's all right for you- " I hadn't realized I had been singing along until a chorus of laughter was heard through my blaring music. " Texas over here still listens to Elvis Presley! Hate to break it to ya, Texas, but he's been dead for three years! "

My face turned red and then I realized everyone at the bus stop was there except for one boy. He was standing off to the side, kind of glaring at the crowd. That rich girl who mocked me and her friend stayed when the crowd of maybe five finally walked away.

" We don't like Texans here! " The other one yelled before punching me right in the face. That boy I noticed walked up to her and slammed her up against the large oak tree. " Leave her alone, Mandy. " He snarled before slapping her across the face and walking away.

" Woah... " I gasped. The bus pulled up and the only available seat was right next to that boy. I sat down and tried not to make eye contact. The silence was too uncomfortable, so I spoke up. " Thanks for that back there. "

He looked at me kind of weird before grinning. " No problem. She needs to quit her shit. My name's Jeremy. " Wow, this was a Californian being nice. " I'm Lucy Grace. How come you ain't makin fun of me for likin' Elvis or bein' from Texas? "

He just kept grinning before looking down at his shoes. " I dig Elvis, too, ya know... " He said quietly. I smiled. Finally, someone here who knew what good music was. " Really? What's your favorite song? " I asked. " Suspicious Minds. You? "

" Oh man, definitely Can't Help Falling In Love. I was at his concert and he sang that song staring at me the whole time... " I seriously just realized that I was Elvis's concert crush. This was before Priscilla, of course.

" Really? I've only been to one of his Concerts. It was in Memphis of 72'. " Jeremy said. " I was literally at that one! " I gasped. He grinned. " It's a small world, Lucy Grace. Smaller than you think. " He said before looking back out the window. What could he possibly mean by that?

 Next thing I knew, the bus pulled up at a nice looking high school. I guess I had fallen asleep. We got off and I went to my homeroom. I hadn't seen Jeremy anymore. I longed to be back home with my friends. I needed to send Sadie a letter when I got back my house. House. Not home.

On the way to lunch, I just ate in the library. I didn't want to run into anyone who could possibly make my life any worse. " Hey stranger. " Someone said before giving me a hug from behind." Jeremy! You scared me! " I laughed before turning around to give him a hug.

" This place sucks, you wanna ditch with me? " He asked. I snickered before tossing my crumbled aluminum foil in the trashcan. " Why not. I ain't got no other friends. " I replied while putting on my camo jacket.

We walked out the back door of the library and walked around town for a bit. " Hey, you want to see a movie? " He asked as we walked by a theatre. We decided to watch this new movie called Red Dawn. I loved action movies. I guess Jeremy did too, because we had both already seen it several times. 

" Wolverines!! " He yelled as we walked out of the movie. I laughed as he almost spilled his coke on his shirt. We walked back to my house, but no one was home and I couldn't find my key. " I'll just sit on my porch. My sister had to go to my dad's today, so I guess my mom should be home around nine or so. I'll wait till then. " I said after giving up on trying to find my key.

" No, you wont. Come to my place. Don't worry, I ain't no serial killer or something " He said, more of like I didn't have a choice. " Well, I guess. It's only 15 degrees out, so I'll bet I'm going to get sick if I wait that long. " I said before digging through my bag to find a pen and paper.

" What is your house phone so my mom can call if she needs? " I asked. He gave it to me and I scribbled it down quickly before throwing it in the mailbox.

" Hey, my camera came in! " I said as I looked at a package in the mailbox. I grabbed it and put it in my bag before we started off for the Bradford house.

We went up to Jeremy's room and he was trying to figure out my camera, and I just tried not to laugh the entire time. He finally figured how to do it and kept  trying to take pictures of me.

He printed his favorite ones out before he dragged me downstairs to meet his huge family. " Abby, this is Lucy Grace. Lucy Grace, this is my Aunt, Abby. " He said as we walked into the kitchen, where a woman was cooking something that smelled like spaghetti.

" Hello, Lucy Grace. Would you like to stay for dinner? We're having Spaghetti. " I was right about the spaghetti. " I don't want to intrude, but if I ain't intruding, I suppose. " I said, my accent coming on a bit strong. I did that when I was nervous.

" You won't be intruding at all, dear. " Mrs. Bradford smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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