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Being surrounded by the other tributes inside the parade preparation hall brought forth the most uncomfortable feeling Bentley had ever felt before — even more so than the one he got at the Reaping. The majority of these people were bigger than him, scarier. The other half was more like him, but looked intimidating as well. There was only one that he could pick out that he could for sure take down — he wouldn't though because it was a thirteen year old girl from District 12.

How was he supposed to live through this? He was tempted to just simply give up already, but with the fleeting thoughts of his parents and Hayden in the back of his mind, he knew that that would be selfish. "Remember to smile, make eye contact with a few people, chin up." Juniper went on and on about their stage presence.

Bentley, who had grown up not having to hide his emotions, was struggling greatly. He was sad, disgusted, angry, hungry... all of it. It was hard to ignore all of this and put a smile on his face. Sure, he had done it earlier in the day when they arrived at the Capital, but this felt different. He didn't know if it was because he was finally able to kind of process that this was actually happening while getting ready, or the fact that he could hear people already screaming names while they waited for the parade to begin.

"Bentley, are you listening?" Juniper snapped her fingers in front of his face. He nodded, "Yes, sorry." His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. Juniper huffs, "It's very important that you listen to me if you want to get sponsors." His breathing was becoming ragged. "They're the only way you're going to survive out there." He needed to leave this place. At least for a few moments.

Juniper was still talking, but he needed to get out of here. There was still fifteen minutes until the parade started, so surely he could find somewhere to wait it out. Somewhere that wasn't full of people that would try to kill him in a week. Somewhere that wasn't full of people that he may be forced to kill. "Can I use the restroom?" He asked.

The teal woman gaped at him, "Did you not go before we left the dorm!?" She sounded stressed, but Bentley was quite literally about to have a panic attack in the middle of the tributes. "June, calm down. Yes, but make it fast, please." Mitchell said, resting a hand on the escort's shoulder. Bentley didn't even say thank you before rushing away.

He didn't even know where a bathroom was, so he would just resort to finding a quiet place to hide till he had to go back. His saving-grace came in the form of a small lounge area that was for the mentors to wait in once the parade began. No one was in there yet — thank God — so Bentley let himself go; kind of. He didn't let any tears fall in fear of ruining his makeup, but his hiccupped sobs were impossible to stop.

He tried to take breaths so he wouldn't pass out, following the routine his mother had set in store for him. It worked like a charm — it always does. His breathing became regular again, but his eyes still burned from unshed tears and his throat was tight. "I don't believe you're in the right place." Bentley's eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice and he turned to them, ready to apologize profusely and tell them that he'd gotten lost trying to find the restroom.

When he turned, however, all words died out in his throat. While he hadn't recognized the voice, he certainly recognized the face. Finnick Odair, winner of the 65th Hunger Games; the youngest victor in history; Panem's Golden Boy. Bentley stuttered a little, trying to find his words again. "Um, I apologize, I was just looking for the bathroom."

The victor chuckled, "No need to lie; I understand. It's all very overwhelming at first." Bentley flushed red at being caught in his lie. Was he really that bad of a liar? "Oh," He didn't know what to say, he just stood there looking dumb — in front of an extremely attractive person. "You might want to head back. The parade starts in five minutes." The younger boy's eyes widened. "Okay, thank you." He bowed, then sped walked past Finnick. Even as he turned the corner, he could feel the blondes eyes on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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