Just getting started...~

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Jaidyn Licked Bryson ear "are you sure you want to test me my love?" Asked Bryson "yes" JJ says quietly and seductively "alright you asked for it love" Bryson growls while pushing Jaidyn on the bed roughly "ngh!~" jaidyn whimpers reaching for Bryson's belt "no my precious little boy toy not yet" Bryson whispers "please..~" Jaidyn asks impatiently "NO!.." Bryson says reaching in Jaidyns pants and successfully pulling out his short member "take off your shirt NOW" Bryson yells demanding "yes... sir" JJ says undressing "wait..." Bryson says "do it slowly.." Bryson says not wasting time "okay... daddy" Jaidyn say's undressing slowly giving Bryson a lap dance "good boy.."Bryson says in a low husky voice Jaidyn finishes undressing "okay im do-" Jaidyn doesn't get to finsh his sentence Bryson shoves Jaidyn to the ground shoving his face in his crotch Jaidyns mouth opens expecting his cock to be there but instead it's his jeans " I want you to feel what you do to me first" Bryson says seductively "ahh~.." Bryson moans as Jaidyns face digs deeper in his crotch "mmm..~!" Muffled moans come from Jaidyns face "okay now you can take off the pants" Bryson says mouth curved into a smirk "Yes! Finally!" Jaidyn says immediately reaching for his belt quickly and successfully unbuckling it and plants his face directly on his cock his tongue circles the tip slowly causing both of them to moan loudly "ahh~!" Bryson moans out "damn bitch you really know how to turn me on" Bryson exclaims loudly "ngh!~" you can hear the muffled moans accompanied by choking noises coming from JJ "damn it I-I can't last I'm gonna cu- cum!" Bryson yells as JJ starts sucking harder and harder "ngh!~" Bryson exclaims while cumming inside JJs mouth while JJ sucks and licks this cock til all of his semen is gone "damn... that was amazing but now it's my turn.." Bryson says out of breath but quickly regaining his strength and pouncing on top of jj Bryson wastes no time and immediately shoved his cock inside of jj roughly "ahh~" Jaidyn moans loudly "I'm-I'm gonna bust!~" Jaidyn whimpers out "DONT CUM UNTIL I TELL YOU TOO" Bryson yells out and 3 more minutes of flapping and moans Bryson finally says "okay baby boy you can cum now!" Bryson says out of breath JJ and to pass out says happily "YES ILL CUM FOR YOU!!" "AHHH!~" moans coming from both ends Bryson slamming into him "UGHHHH!!~" Bryson reaches his climax and cums inside his ass "oh baby that was amazing..." Bryson says to jj knowing he's passed out "mmm~ baby just wait until next time~" STORY BY : CIEL

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