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The bus rumbled down the road, and I rested my head against the cold glass window, peering out at the houses and signs passing by in a blur. Raindrops raced across the glass, distorting the view outside. Mitski's music blared in my earphones, muffling the sounds of the rowdy kids on the bus. Today marked my first day as an 8th grader, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The students around me seemed incredibly immature, spouting curses like sailors and tossing paper balls around as if it were a game. I couldn't help but wonder how this school year would turn out.
       I lift my gaze towards the sky, using my hand as a shield against the relentless raindrops. My eyes land on the towering building in front of me, adorned with the words "Francois Middle School" in bold letters. The imposing structure looms above me, stretching up to at least three floors. With a deep sigh, I make my way up the stairs leading to the entrance, my ears picking up the faint chatter emanating from within. As I push open the door, a sea of students floods the hallway, their voices blending in a cacophony. Unsure whether to brave my way through the crowd and head to the principal's office, I hesitate for a moment, taking in the chaotic scene before me.
   I huff and push my way through the throngs of chattering kids filling the hallway. A feeling of disgust washes over me, as I am jostled and bumped around like a pinball in a machine. I've always been uncomfortable with physical touch, and this chaotic scene of bodies pressing in on me from all sides only serves to heighten my discomfort.
   Finally, I read the letters above a door. "Front office"! I hurriedly shove my way through the hurdle of students and hustle inside quickly. "Can I help you, young lady?" a voice calls from in front of me, and I swipe my head up. As I jogged up to the desk, I noticed a lady sitting behind it. Our eyes met, and I could feel the sense of urgency building inside of me. I spoke softly, trying to keep my composure, "Y-yes! I'm here for my schedule." I couldn't help but notice that my voice was much quieter than usual, a trait that had followed me my entire life. It had always set me apart from my family, who were all known for their loud, boisterous personalities. Nonetheless, I tried to remain calm and focused as I awaited her response. "Your name, please?"
"My name is Yasmine.."
"Last name?"
I listen to her clack the buttons on the keyboard, waiting patiently. "You may need to sit down for a second. I need to go print your agenda and then you can go on your way." I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I go to sit down at one of the chairs around the office.
A moment later, I heard the door opening to the front office through my music, so I pushed my hoodie out the way slightly, but just enough to see who came in. A strawberry blonde wearing a pastel pink top and flare jeans walked in, her white air forces tapping loudly as she strode. I eyed the girl as she moved, her hair bouncing as she walked.
  She approached the front desk, placing a hand on her hip. "I'm here for my schedule," she said with a Valley girl accent. I watched from afar as she spoke.
The Lady sighed with attitude in her tone, "Name?"
"Chloe Melrose."
"I'll be right back, you can sit next to her over there if you want." the lady got up and strolled her way to what I guess was the printer.
Chloe rolled her eyes and plopped down next to me, pulling out her phone. "What a bitch." she murmured, "So what's your name?"
"That's cute, you got any gum?"
"I have some bubble gum..?"
"Ooh, gimme some!"
I dug into my book bag and gave her watermelon-chewing gum. She gave me a joyful look, took at least 3 pieces, and chewed happily.
"You're the best girl, you are literally my friend now."
Just like that? All cause of some gum? Bit dramatic but at least I have a friend now.
A couple of minutes later, I got my schedule and exchanged goodbyes with Chloe, then voyaged through the now-cleared hallways.
After about 6 minutes of searching left, right, up, and down, I finally found my classroom. I hear a lot of faint voices inside yelling and laughing. I sit for a moment in front of the classroom door, gathering up the courage to knock.
I tighten my eyes shut and knock on the door.
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hi this is the writer im tobias i wrote this out of boredom more parts to come soon pls leave suggestions on how i can improve🫶🏽 love u live life to the fullest

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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