you, idiot

149 3 1

(sorry for the bad English)


It is October, which means that only the regular campers remain in the camp.

since Jason Grace left the camp earlier this month, Nico has been hanging out with me a lot more.

this is nice

and very stressful, although i've done a great job at not showing Nico how I feel about him for now

good job, Will!

now we sitting  in the strawberry fieldswe don't talk, we just sit silently and enjoying each other's compeany, but as soon as the question comes to my mind i have to ask it

just to know

because maybe ther is a chance

so i look at him and open my mouth to ask, but then i look back, 'cause NO

this is Nico, what is my chance?

Nico, with his dark soft hair, and his smile that appears now much more then before (even when he thinks not), and thoes eyes, and the bad jokes and the random knowledge about random stuff, and his laugh, and his mocking tone, and the sarcasem

Oscar Wilde said once: 'sacasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence"

he was right, of cours

Nico is very smart, but he is not aware of it

and all this is not even one percent of my list, that gets longer with every new amazing thing he does

he does way to many of thoes, if you ask me, but i can still recite the list in my sleep (actually, i haven't proven thet i don't do it)

he is just so... wow

there is no other way to describe it

so no, there is no way i'm going to tell him about- "what?" Nico asks, interrupting my thoughts

"it's stupid" i say "and doesn't matter"

"why? what did you wanted to say?"

so maybe there is a chance i'm going to tell him about... you know...but in a different way

"what's your type?" i ask after a few seconds

"my type?"

"you know, what kind of people do you usually fell in love with" i'm trying to explain "have you never been in love?"

"ho, i've been" Nico say and looked at me for a long time as if he wants to add something until he say "my type? why do you want to know?"

"oh, you know" i answer "this is something friends need ti know to... uh..." my voice trails off as i realize it would break me to see Nico dating someone

"so what's yours?" he asks, and i'm pretty sure if i was drinking something right know i'd spit it out or choke

"you, idiot" i say, but it comes out as "i asked first"

"fine, so... ah, i never thoght about it..." Nico says "i think... blond hair, tanned skin" i feel his eyes on me for few seconds "eyes... bright eyes. funny. from... from a state south of New York (writer's comment: why is half the world south of New York, in the name of Hades?!). gods, i can go on forever"

i feel a lump in my throat when i remember that Nico was rumored to have a crush on Annabeth Chase

blond hair, tanned skin, bright eyes... of curse

i breath deeply and stand up "i- i'm sorry, i have to go" i say

"are you okay?" Nico ask slowly

"ya, i'm fine" i turning my back to him as i feel tears burning in my eyes

gods, what is happening to me?

it's not like he belongs to me

but... ugh, i knew there is no chance!

so i turn and walk back towards the Apollo cbain as fast as i can without starting to run
and only when the door closes behind me i allow myself to cry

gods, that was hard

i swear i dont hate Will
he is so sweet
i hate myself for this oneshot

hope you liked it(:

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