New house, new beginning

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"I still can't believe we actually moved in here."

Shirabu, ever the pragmatic one, huffed at Semi's dreamy tone. Though judging by his boyfriend's starstruck expression with which he stared at the house in front of them, he doubted he was heard. He just wondered when Semi's jaw was going to hit the ground.

"Well, we bought it," he noted. "For a god-awful amount, but we did. Of course we're moving in."

Semi rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant, you grump." A small smile played in the corner of his lips as his eyes travelled over the front of the house and the gate leading towards the garden. "I just can't believe we finally have our own house. It's still kinda unreal, don't you think? I mean, just look at it, it's absolutely beautiful."

"It better be for that price," grumbled Shirabu under his breath.

He agreed that the house was a stunning piece of architecture, with two floors and a large patio in the back. Not too vast to be overwhelming for just the two of them and not too small to feel cramped even with Semi's personal music room. The garden was also an added bonus, as was the giant stone fireplace in the living room. But what mattered the most was the house was out of the hustle of the city, situated about ten minutes by car from the nearest town, which was a true dream come true for both of them.

Still, the price was too much in Shirabu's humble opinion.

He'd probably never pay that much if it was just about him, but Semi seemed to fall in love with the house the moment he saw it when they visited for the first time, and Shirabu didn't have the heart nor willpower to say no to those puppy eyes.

Shaking his head, he grabbed one of the many bags from the trunk of their car and tossed it at Semi, not really bothered if he caught it or if it hit his head.

Judging by the dull thud and the following yelp, it was the latter.

"The only unreal thing here is the number of boxes we'll have to unpack today." He grabbed another bag and threw it in Semi's direction. "So how about you stop getting all lovey-dovey with a house and move your ass a bit to help me out?"

This time, Semi managed to catch the bag. He narrowed his eyes at Shirabu, who couldn't be less impressed by it, and pointed an accusatory finger at him.

"You can act all mighty and unbothered all you want, but I know for a fact that you've been looking forward to moving in here as much as I was." He flashed Shirabu a knowing grin. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be researching the area and looking up the best cottage-core decorations for the last week."

Shirabu looked away to hide the heat creeping up his face, but there was no denying he got busted. Though, considering he could hear Semi's victorious smile, it didn't go too well.

He should have known better than to leave his laptop open when Semi was around.

But truth be told, Semi wasn't the only one who was excited about their new home.

He could even comfortably set up his collection of plushies there without cutting into their living space.

The garden and patio needed some work since the previous owners weren't very keen on keeping it in shape, but as Semi noted during their first visit about two months ago, once that was done, they could easily hold lavish garden parties there. Maybe even set up a pool or hot tub.

Not that they were planning on organising parties. They moved out of the city to escape into a more peaceful setting after all. But at least they could sometimes invite their friends from Shiratorizawa without having to be squeezed like sardines in their tiny apartment in Tokyo. But that was an exception.

This was supposed to be a place of relaxation after long days at work and domestic warmth — Semi's words, not his — and Shirabu would lie if he said he was less than just a little excited about their future here.

Of course, he would prefer Semi to not know that, but he supposed it was too late anyway.

Throwing one of the bags over his shoulder, he closed the trunk and headed to the main door, not sparing Semi a single glance.

"Come on, let's get this done. The sooner we start, the sooner you can enjoy your dream house."

He squealed when a strong arm wrapped around his waist from behind, the soft chuckling by his ear sending pleasant shivers down his spine.

" Our dream house, love," hummed Semi before pressing a light kiss to his cheek. "It's going to be great here, you'll see."

Shirabu wanted to retort something, but in the end, decided against it and just leaned back into Semi's chest, enjoying the warmth radiating from him and the good feeling from thinking about their future spreading through his chest.

As much as he hated leaving work unfinished, just looking at the remaining boxes piled in the living room weakened Shirabu's resolve for doing anything. He slumped on the couch and let out a tired sigh, trying to ignore Semi's quiet snickering somewhere behind his back.

"Don't tell me you're tired already, we haven't even started properly yet."

Shirabu huffed and threw a scorching glare at the boxes, half-hoping they would catch on fire. He was acutely aware moving was going to be a difficult thing, even though the vision of their new home was a great reward by itself, but the amount of unpacking they had to do to get to that point was astounding.

He almost melted when Semi wrapped his arms around him from behind, pressing a light kiss on his temple.

"What do you say we go take a look at the garden now before we continue with this?"

"So I can see how much more work needs to be done? That's your idea of resting?"

"Or we can go for a walk. The forest looks lovely today."

Shirabu wanted to protest, to say that he was fine just sitting on the couch, but a single look at Semi's hopeful expression destroyed his resolve to be lazy completely. Still, he didn't resist the ostentatious sigh, just to let Semi know he was doing him a favour definitely against his will.

"Fine. But not too far, you hear me? It's not a hike."

He had to look away to hide the blush creeping up into his cheeks when Semi beamed and smushed him in an embrace, silently wondering what he did in his life to deserve a boyfriend like Semi.

Probably something incredible, otherwise he wouldn't get this lucky.

Not that Semi needed to know that.

The Things Unseen [SemiShira]Where stories live. Discover now