Austin Jones

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So I'm happy to announce that Youtube Austin Jone's has been REMOVED from Warped Tour.

After a girl came forward and spoke out about being sexually harrassed by Austin Jones others who were victem to the same harrassment started telling their stories.

Austin Jones has been sexually harassing his fans by asking for nudes and asking for twerking videos in tight revealing outfits.

Before you jump saying these are just rumors and that Austin would never do anything like that let me tell you you're wasting your time defending him. These are NOT rumors, they are facts. Austin has done something no one should ever do to his fans who have stuck by him and helped him get to where he is today and now it's come back to bute him in the ass.

In my opinion if he's going to treat his female fans like objects then he doesn't deserve to have those fans.
No one should ever take advantage of their underage fans like Austin did.
He's a sick bastard!

Anyway I just wanted to let you all know Austin has been kicked off Warped Tour.

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