walking down memory lane

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Another day to answer all what people think of you in a calm way even if it might be  annoying, but what to do every singer has to have her own interview with her fans to show them how much she cares and besides i love what i do, it is everything i have ever dreamed of my self to be. As i stare at myself in the mirror putting on my lipstick, and trying to put on my best smile before heading out i looked to see a now 20 year old abby who seem so much defferent than the girl who once leaned on her parents to go to sunday service, holding a microphone to lead a song with the chour. I could not help be think of the year 2015.  the year 2015 in my life started with of course a new year event.
3,2,1 happy new year!!!! shouted mum and dad as we watched fire works and many people shouting in the church. Dad was called to the alter to start the new year event as per tradition every year,. happy new year to everyone  and all glory to God alimighty who has made us to see yet another year indeed our god is good, and i know he is faithful and will always be faithful to all of us even in trying times. it is a new year and a year of of various adventures a year of challenges, joy , happiness and many things, but in all of this we should remember that our God is a loving God and will still love us even if we are going through anything. john 4:9-10 in this the love of God was made manifest among us,that God sent his only son into the world ,so that we might live through him.in this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the proprition of our sins. so it is God who first loved us and because of this we have  everything in him. happy happy new year to everyone. Let now welcome our wonderful choristers to sing us a song. As i saw pastor paul ( my dad) walking off the alter i was filled with joy because he is my  source of motivation in all i do i always say my dad is my best person, even though it usaually gets mum jealous so i dont usually say it when she is around. as we walk on stage i was a bit nervous because i will be leading the chour to sing todays song. we stood on the stage and the instruments started and i started singing´the first... noel, the angels did say...... was to certain poor sherpards in fields as they lay.........'after sometime the song ended and a loud applaud took over the whole building it was beautiful and we all went back to our sits. after sometimes the service ended and everyone went about giving their hugs and rejoycing , of course i also did i ran off to sara and josh they are my world best friends. the three of us ran out of the church and stood under the tree in the church garden.Now is the time we all have been waiting for since school closed so josh and abby, on the count of three we all present our gifts to each other 1,2,3... and here!. we opened up our gifts and we were all suprised to see what each of us brought and were filled with excitment. so i have a game to play shouted sara, i want us to play were we want to see ourselves in five years time. sara's game was intresting because it got us to think really ahead .the first to speak up was sara in five years am going to make it to school of medicine and train to become a doctor. we appluded her and josh stood up 'in  five years  i want to be a designer one of the youngest at that, and will make dresses for top celebrities and make a lot of money. we applauded and i stood up to speak were i want to be in five years time, the fact is that i am confuse because i really dont know, my plan is  just to  say anything that comes to mind. so as i was about say something when we heard screams in the church building, so we ran to the place to see exactly what was happenig, to my gratest suprise i saw my mum on the floor of the church entrance shot with a bullet the whole place was a mess, my dad trying to call 911, some holding were she was shot and my head started spinning and all i could see was darkness.

Abby! abby! i heard my name but it was more like the voice came from a far way place and i could also here people talking and i opened my eyes, i found myself in this room with machines and a man wearing a white coat talking to sara's mum, then i realised am in a hospital and all my memory came to play my MUM! and i jumped out of the bed to go see my mum but i was grabed by mrs. jones sara's mum. your mum is in the ICU and your dad is with your mum's doctor sorting things out. sorting what out i asked? what happned to my mum, i need to see her! suddenly josh and sara entered the room and looked disturbed, mum, aunty grace is in a serious condition and you are needed , what! i could not take it anymore and stood up insisted on seeing my mum and she aggred. upon reacing the ICU i saw three doctors around my mum and one on top of her pumping her chest, my dad was in the room and i saw him crying and also praying at the same time. I was so confused i did not know what to do, i wanted to help my mum and stop my dad from crying but my hands were tied all i could do is pray ´lord you said in your word that whatsoever i ask in your name you will give to me please jesus help my mum survive this phase please! i prayed and prayed but all i heard in the end from the doctors was time of Death 4:26 and at that moment my dad rushed to the bed but was held by the doctors, i did not realise when more tears started to drop from my eyes and how i entered my mum's room and was also held by the doctors i felt broken so my mum is really dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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