SLUT! (Poem)

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No matter how many efforts I put
All they do is call me a slut!

For what I wear, if I got drunk and high or not
They judge with a brain that’s rot

How many guys I’ve been with
They make fun of me saying, the time I was virgin is a myth

Some might go as far as to blame me
When they were the one trying to take me

When I was not in my senses
I thought I could trust them so I lowered my defenses

But what they did? Blamed me for their infidelity
Because taking account for their own actions is not a part of their toxic masculinity
So they called me a slut so confidently

Making fun of my nickname
They looked so untamed

With their eyes, they undress my butt
But still I AM THE SLUT!

They call me a slut for my bold choices
And my fearless voices
I guess it is worth it
At least I can be myself if I don’t quit

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