First Question

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Me: Hey Furnace! We got our first question!

Furnace: What is it?

Me: Read it for yourself.

Furnace: Okay, so KyogreKing120 asked, 

So... hypothetically speaking... If you got a Neo form, or even Metal Overlord form, what would they look like?

Furnace: Actually, I do have a Neo form, and here's what it looks like.

(Not my art, this belongs to ChakitoArt, but I really like how this person literally just fussed Furnace with Neo Metal Sonic)

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(Not my art, this belongs to ChakitoArt, but I really like how this person literally just fussed Furnace with Neo Metal Sonic)

Furnace: So yeah, that's what my Neo form looks like. Hope you're satisfied with that answer.

Me: Sorry this was a late response, I didn't notice the question until several minutes ago from when I wrote this part. Anyway, thanks for the first question! See ya in the next part of this QNA!

Furnace[off-screen and sort-of in the background]: Okay, you don't really need to do the outro thing.

Me: Furnace, apparently you don't really understand the concept of 'Decent Public Appearance,' so just wait for the next question.

Furnace: Fine.

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