Chapter 9

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Loki's POV

The forest was dark and old, ancient in fact. It had been here for as long as I remember. Mother used to tell me stories about it and its magic. She had told me that the ancient elves used to be able to communicate with the trees, hear their whispers. But I wasn't here for a fairy-tale, I was here for answers.

I kept walking through the dense brambles, until I came across an old worn path. I followed it and I noticed the trees began to change. The forest now had a blue-purple hue to it. I kept walking until I came across a clearing. In the center was a crystal clear pool surrounded by ancient stones covered with writing that I had never seen. The edge with smooth rocks weathered by time.

I walked towards it. I looked over the rocks edges and peered inside. The moon bright and full in the sky above, casting its soft, powerful glow in the forest. All of a sudden the water swirled and a figure approached from the other end of the pool. It was an Elven spirit.

It was a tall she elf covered with glittering armor and a long cape trailing behind.

"Mae Govannen Loki. I've waiting a long time for this moment."

I took steps back "Who are you?"

She smiled "I am one of the elven ancestors, sent here to wait for the day you would come here and seek answers for Tyra's past."

"Why me? Why not wait for Tyra herself to come?"

"Because she must slowly remember who she truly is. Im afraid that if I were to help her myself, it would be....over whelming. You will become very important to her and her journey for destiny in the future."

"And you know this how?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I'm one of the elven prophets. I have foreseen it. Just like when I foresaw my peoples destruction."

"You knew that you would be destroyed, and it still happened... what kind of prophet are you? To let that happen?!"

"I couldn't change it, I tried to warn the elven lords but most only dismissed me. Few of them took their kin and fled elsewhere."

"So there's more elves out there?"

"Yes, they now travel in clans. Never settling in one place. Tyra must unite them and retake our ancient homeland. "

"Ok then, tell me about Tyra herself. Who is she really?"

"She is the daughter of the last Elven King. When I foresaw our destruction I told the king immediately. I told him of a prophecy I had seen, that his daughter would save the last of the elven kind and be our salvation. But his advisors suggested he ignore my warnings. I warned him that the dark elves would rise again and take over our world, causing death and chaos. Many moons went by and soon enough the Dark elves were on our doorstep. They attacked in the dead of night, slaughtering everyone. Many tried to escape on the ships and head West across the sea, but they burned all the ships trapping them between the sea and their armies. Tyra's caretaker took measures to ensure her safety, by using the last of her magic to replace her memories and send her to Migard. A place she knew that they would never look. She sent the bow you found with her, with hopes that she would one day save the elven people. "

I wasn't quite sure what to say. I know see why the spirit insisted on keeping it from Tyra. It was a horrible ending.

She continued
"Now this is a moonwell, water from this well is blessed by the moon goddess. When Tyra is ready bring her here and she must step inside its waters and regain her memories of her former self. But the time must be right if not the results will be catastrophic and she will die. You, Loki must help her."

"Why must its be me? Why not my mother, she s more tha-"

"No, no one else. It MUST be you. She will trust you with her life. This is what you were meant to do."

I nodded slowly
"What must I do then? When will I know she's ready to come here? How will we find the wandering elven clans that are left?"

"Patience Loki, you're answers will be answered in time. You must first train her first. The struggle won't be physical arms, but magic."

That explains the strong connection I felt in Midgard.
"And you want me to teach her?"

The spirit began to fade,
"I must now leave you, remember Loki, only you can do this, if you can't then no one can."

And with that the spirit was gone. I looked to the sky, and saw a faint light spreading across the sky. I pulled my cloak around me and turned to walk out of the forest. I still had unanswered questions. But before I could teach her magic, I would need to do some researching about the elves. I would have to teach her everything. All these thoughts swarmed my head while walking back, when I heard a shuffle of feet. I sighed and turned to see Tyra "hiding" behind a tree.

"Tyra, I thought I specifically told you to NOT follow me."

She averted her eyes.
"I know, I know but I WILL NOT stand by and let someone else determine my fate for me. I "was" following you but I lost your trail and stopped. I tried to go back but I got lost. So I figured I'd wait till dawn."

I shook my head and began guiding her back.
" You can't do that. Come, let's head back to the palace."

She ripped her self from my grip.
"Not until you tell me what's happening. And I wo-"

I waved my hand and she fell asleep. I sighed.
"Oh Tyra, if only I could tell you, but one step at a time."

I picked her body up bridal style and began carrying her back, her head against my chest, eyes closed and breathing steady. Quietly I whisper,
"I promise I will help you. I will stay with you till the end."

I am so so so sorry I've been away for so long😫. my phone didn't work for a while then my computer and exams and performances. it's been a while so I tried as best I could to continue. It was a little weird trying to figure out where I intended to go with this. Again I'm sorry😩

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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