part 2. anal.

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after about two hours I wake up and get an idea. I shake the sleeping beauty awake.

"huh.." she mumbles. "wanna do anal?"I ask her, still sleepy. she nods and I eagerly take off my clothing, arching on the already wet bed.

she pulls out her huge cock and I rub my tits, to set the mood. she puts her cock at my asshole and I nod  "put your dick in me~" I whimper.

she heavily thrusts in and I moan loudly, she was going rough this time. I was in excruciating pain but I loved it. she twitches inside of me and releases.

I moan as she pulls out and turns me around.

she looks at my wet pussy with lust, she kisses my stomach, trailing down to my pussy, she licks, sucks and shoves her fingers into me. I moan loud. I was in immense pleasure

we stop after 3 rounds and head back to bed.

love of my life. (me and beans.)Where stories live. Discover now