Reki's version

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"Yes, Mr. Kyan?" The teacher asked, exasperated.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a little lost. How did you get 43X out of that?" A red-head asked, looking at his paper. "I got 2XY."

"And how in the world did you get 2XY?"

"I- oh wait, I see what I did wrong- nope, now I have 129Y."

The teacher wanted to bang his head against a wall. Why were his students so stupid?

"Anyways, onto the next question," the teacher said, wiping away the work from the blackboard.

Reki just sat in disbelief. Why did his teacher just ignore his question? Isn't it his job to help him understand what the fuck is going on in algebra?

"Psst," he heard.

Reki moved his head around, trying to figure out who did that. Suddenly, he saw a girl trying to catch his eye.

She passed him a note;
Do you want to come to an algebra study sess with me n my friends???? The note asked.

Reki's eyes lit up. He quickly scribbled on the paper and passed it back to the girl. She giggled silently and wrote back the needed information for him on the note.

Reki nodded as a way of thanking her, and tried to follow along with the rest of the work.


"Oh my God, I invited this cute guy to our study group and I really hope he's single!" Sukee said to her friends, Illuka, Rayne and Haru.

"Seriously Sukee, again? You scared off the last guy with your antics." Raine sighed, pushing her glasses up her nose. Haru rolled his eyes and glanced at Illuka. Her face seemed downcast, and he knew why.

"This time, it's different!" Sukee exclaimed, and Rayne rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say."

"Don't underestimate me, Rayne. I'm great with guys and their masculine-ness. Right, Haru?" She looked to her friend for help.


"Oh, there he is!"

Sukee waved over a confused looking redhead. "Hey, Reki right?"

"Yes, thank you for having me," Reki stammered, bowing slightly.

"Gosh, you're so formal!" Sukee winked, and the redhead blushed.

"Ahh, sorry! I'm bad with social situations." Reki took a seat beside Illuka. "My name's Reki, how about you all?"

"I'm Haru!" Haru said. "I'm shit in math, so don't ask for help there. I am however, good in Japanese and history."

"I'm Illuka. I'm good in math and science." Illuka tucked a piece of dark hair behind her ear.

"My name's Rayne. I'm good in everything." Rayne seemed really straightforward, but Reki found that refreshing since he was so bad with social cues.

"And I'm Sukee, the one and only! I suck at everything but guys." She gave another wink.

Reki laughed. "Nice to meet you all. So, what are we starting with?"

Haru explained how they decided to work on math and science today, and to ask questions if he ever got stuck. "We're not like that teacher of yours who makes a habit of ignoring students, so don't worry."

"Ah, I hoped not. You lot seem really nice!"

Sukee smiled. Reki seemed so friendly. She was sure to develop a crush on him soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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