Lovers Punch

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The truth is both never really forgot each other's presence. There were more than enough times where both were about to reach out to the other. There was really no way how to fill the void both were feeling after the breakup.

Until one day where the feelings of longing her presence became too awful. So, Connie did what he had to do.

He was sitting on the training field next to Jean and Sasha, they were talking and he was supposed to be involved in that conversation but his gaze was only focused on his target.
There you were across the training field tending to the wounds of another soldier and connies heart clenched knowing that he hasn't felt your touch for three months. He missed acting out for fun while you damp his wounds with the disinfectant. He sighed and hoped that you also miss taking care of him.

He went from sitting down to laying on his back from heartache. It has been three months since you decided to call it quits with Connie. And he still does not know why.

We only have so much time before anyone of us is going to get killed by a titan so why can't he just enjoy that time with you until it happens, if it ever happens. He just can't continue living his life like this. There will never be another girl like you and if there will he is never going to love her the way he loves you.

That's it. He was going to talk to you.

You were the team's medical cadet

His plan?

He was definitely going to get hurt so that he has the opportunity to talk to you.

He sat back up and Jean and Sasha knew something was coming.

"Jean, I need you to listen to me." Connie grabbed his shoulders when started talking. "You know how the love of my life broke up with me 90 days 2 hours and 49 seconds ago?" Jean nodded "And you know how you and Sasha always tell me to fight for her and get her back?" They nodded. "Right so I need you to punch me as hard as you can and then I need you Sasha to go get y/n!" He turned to Sasha stating the plan.

"I am totally in!!" Sasha screamed. Sasha and Jean were "Connie x you" Supporters since the day Connie and you looked at each other that one extra second and noticed the spark between the both of you.

"I'm in but we have to act like we are actually sparring, though." Jean stated and stood up and reaching his hand out to pull Sasha and Connie up.

"Alright, then how should I stand? Like thi-" Connie asked before he felt punch . "AHHHH!" Jean decided to just do it before connie would over think it. "Sorry, man." He said to connie as he patted his back. "That's good, Jean, you're good but is she looking over here? Sasha, go get her!" Connie really wanted this to work. He really wanted to feel your touch on him for one more time. If it meant he had to get punched by that horseface everyday only for your fingertips to touch his face, he would do it.

"Y/n! Y/n!!!" Sasha ran to you, grabbed you and you were already on your way to Connie and Jean. "Sasha, what happened?" you inquired while your heart threatened to beat out of your chest knowing she was dragging you to your ex that you still loved. Which you think hates you for breaking his heart.

The day you broke up with Connie was the day you would regret the most until the end of your life. Connie never did anything wrong in your relationship. Your heart clenched whenever you saw him doing anything and you hated yourself for deciding to distance yourself from him and being so unbelievably selfish.

With every step you took closer to the scene you got even more nervous.
Muscle Memory hit the moment you saw him crouched over from the pain.

"Connie, are you okay?" You whispered as you grabbed his chin softly to look for wounds and your eyes locked.

Lovers Punch [Connie S.]Where stories live. Discover now