The Phantomhive Manner-2

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when u got there u realized u were being greeted by Ciel himself and the butler from earlier. u walked closer and closer, getting more nervous by every second and every footstep. u later came to find out that the butlers name was Sebastian Michaelis, u thought "for a hot butler he has a more hotter name".
following them up the stairs, u realized how nice this manner was, they led u to an office of some sorts Ciel sat down in the chair behind the deck and just started talking.

Ciel: so u got my letter if im not wrong, well why else would u be here then, well we found out that the murders where happenimg in the alley u and ur lady-friends roam. we had also noticed that this murderer is a copy-cat

Y/N:  huh, wait how?

Ciel: well besides the fact that they are all prostitutes, the way they were murdered are also the same

Y/N: really!?

Ciel: yes but we don't really know what the similarities are, would u like to go with us to an old friend of ours that may help us on this.

Y/N: sure.

after a phew minutes later of discussing about the case u get there via carege, u look up to see the sign that says "The Undertaker"
u guys enter the strange building to find..... nothing, nothing but coffins lineing the walls and some on the floor, just out of nowhere we here a voice, as a coffins is just opening, u got a chill down ur spine, but didn't show it
then u saw so some grey or almost complete white hair, then who ever was inside started to speak

???: hello my lord, what can i help u with today

Ciel: undertaker, we don't have the time for this

Y/N: huh?

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