their plan

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Suki's POV

She puts her hair in a bun, splashing water on her face. She thought to herself, ' Suki you can do it, c'mon! Sage is waiting for you!' As she rustled through the window struggling to get through, the nets infront of her window was snug and difficult to get through, *creakk creakkk*  "Fuck, can't this stupid window shush for once!" As she whispered to herself. Finally, crawling out of the cramped place. She sprinted,"Freedom!!" She yelled out loud, running near the freeway there was a camp full of homeless people, their stench was extremely displeasing as she covered her nose trying to avoid them.

Sage's POV
"Goodnight mom!" She yelled while running to her restroom, carefully picking up her flashlight and standing on the toilet seat. One leg entered the window then another as she plopped down with her backpack. Her head felt like it was pulsating, throbbing at every minute. She debated if she should, but went back inside since she was recovering from her overdose. Pushing her leg onto her brick wall outside of her house and using the AC unit as her crutch. Having a bad feeling about it, but when she looked to see if Suki was on the call. She wasn't , starting to question what happened to her, but tired and ill. She tried sleeping while tossing and turning. Left and right, left and right, yet it seemed like an endless pattern.
Suki's POV

Walking and trembling with fear, suddenly a homeless person approached her asking in a heartwarming voice, "May I have at least a dollar?" His teeth were yellow and he appeared to  have a few teeth missing. His clothes were rugged and had plenty of holes in them with his feet being too big to fit his own shoes, yet she replied with, " I'm sorry, but I don't have any money on me." As she walked off, the homeless person watched her from a distance it seems like, but he ran. He sprinted towards her with a towel that was laced with chloroform.
"Hey John! We got her." He shouted making a sly grin, "Good job!" Yelled the mysterious guy apart of the camp. He looked at her unconscious body on the ground, laughing that truly sounded mystified.

---------------END OF CHAPTER ONE---------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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