Chapter 1

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Jason's  POV

I can't breathe.

It's been five years and I still can't find a way to breathe.

I need help.

I need help.


My name is Jason Grace, I'm 22 years old, and I need help.

"Jason? Are you okay?" 

I look up from my plate of food and stare at the person who said my name.


"...I asked if you were okay....?" A black haired boy asks.

A blonde boy with bright blue eyes stares at me, inspects me, picks at my skin with his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" The blonde asks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

The black haired boy with dark eyes looks at the blonde with worry.

"Because you are acting weird," he answers.

Of course. He's the head doctor at camp, its his job to be making sure people are okay. 

And his boyfriend. The other doctor. It's ironic, though, because his dad is the God of the Underworld.

They are making sure that everything is fine.

But everything is not fine.


Not fine.

I can't breathe.

My mind is racing, and I can't breathe.

My heart is missing, my mind is racing, and I can't breathe.

"Am I? I'm fine," I say.

I'm not fine.

"If you say so....," the blonde says.

But the boy with dark eyes looks skeptical.

He doubts my words.

But he's not the first one too, there's me.

The one who speaks the words doubts the ones that spill out my mouth.

Will says, "If you say so." 

And Nico looks skeptical.

Will is 21 years old.

And Nico is 20.

22, 21, 20

Percy would be turning 21 soon.

It's July 18th.

His birthday is August 18th....1 month.





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