4. Target

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It wasn't due to luck that I had my second target walk through the door just as I sat, maybe the timing was luck but I had specifically put myself in their classes so I could get close to them. And so, there was Gustavo Sebastian Navario Acero, Alejandro's twin brother and the only other child of Julio Acero.

They were identical twins, but they seemed so different, even with the same face, their expression and the way they carried themselves set them so far apart that the only thing that they seemed to have in common was the fact that they both had green eyes and blond hair but that was it. Gustavo's eyes were not as green, not because he had a different shade but because he was mean, it was there in the way he walked, the way he glared and even the way he spoke.

It was like I was looking at alternate version of Alejandro, he looked almost as good looking as his brother and he did not have the awkward posture that his brother possessed.

I had decided this even when I was prepping to come here, my intel informed that this guy was going to be my way in. He preferred their lifestyle that belonged to mafia nepo babies and basked in it.

I willed him to notice me, but he paid me no attention, so I had to do a bit of maneuvering to get him to notice me. I waited until the bell rung; I got up as soon as he did and then I pretended not to see him when I got to the door so that I ran straight into him. His back, I noticed was hard and even that small contact told me he was packing muscles underneath his shirt. Not that I needed it, his shirt was tight, and his shoulders were wide. His arms were huge, huge enough that I wondered just how much weights he lifted.

The look he gave me was menacing at first, like I was a fly that had dared touch him but then it changed just as soon. He smiled and took me in for a few seconds "Well I haven't seen you before,"

My intel did inform me that he was a womanizer, so far, he had never had a girlfriend.

My eyes were wide before I looked at my shoes, pretending to be shy as I stammered that I was sorry and tried to go past him. Luckily, he held me back. I looked at my arm that was in his grasp and quelled the urge to shrug him off. I looked up at him. I knew I was to look afraid; he was menacing and the attention he was giving me right then could only mean one thing, but I had witnessed too much horror in my life to have one teenage boy be the cause of my fear.

"Where are you going?" His face was scrunched up in a smile, he looked at me suggestively but even though he was trying to sound flirty, he was so used to acting confident and being intimidating that even this short line sounded like a threat.

"To my next class," I made my voice small and shaky, but I eventually couldn't help but take my hand back, luckily, he was not holding to it too strongly or he would've known more than I was willing to share with him. It was hard for me to hide how strong I was, it was a fact I relished showing.

"Which way is that. I could take you," he turned around the group of four boys who seemed like less defined versions of him, they even wore similar expressions and said, "go on without me."

"Uh, sure," you know, maybe luck was on my side because here they both were paying attention to me. One of them was bound to take me home, one of them was bound to make me a member of the Acero family and then it was only a matter of time before I could strike and brought the entire cartel down.

He forcefully placed his arm around my shoulder like it was decided that I was his, but to his credit, his hand only touched on my shoulder, and he took the few minutes we commuted to try and know me. He asked for my name, offered his and then he invited me to lunch.

"I'll see you then," he said when he left me outside my next class, Politics.

"Uh, sure," I said and waved him away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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