Family Battle

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      Klaus paced angerly in his room. His hoofs clacking loudly on the castel floor, arms crossed tightly accross his chest. His mother knocked loudly on his door.
"It's mother, sweetheart." She said as she opened his door.
"I'm sorry mom. I thought you were Dad or one of his grimlins."
"What did you two fight about this time?"
"Dad wants to send me down to live with the humans for a year. I  refuse to go mother. They are vial ratchet creatures and I will not live as one of them for any period of time."
"Klaus I understand your feelings. We all know how horrible humans can be but you want to take over for your father one day, correct?"
"You know I do but..."
"But nothing, you have to go then. It's been that way for centuries. "
"There is nothing a year with humans can teach me that will make me a better  Krampus."
"Oh my sweet my boy you have more to learn than you know. Just go and speak with your father"
"Fine but I still say this is all stupid."
"That's my boy. Now go to your father, be patient with him. You will see one day the job of Krampus isn't as easy as you think it is."  She kissed her son's forhead.
"Ok mom for you I will."

      Klaus walked the long hallway down to his father's office. He could hear the harmoniousing sounds of the organ ringing from the closed doors. Playing it had always been his Dad's favorite past time. He could remember setting as a young child at his father's side listening to him play for hours. The big wooden door creaked as he opened and shut it behind him.
"I've been expecting you Kluas." He said sternly as he stopped playing and walked to his desk. "Well don't just stand there like a lump of coal." Klaus made his way down to his father.
"Father, I want to discuss me going to the human world."
"There is nothing to discuss. You are going. Everytjing has already been arranged and you leave the day after tomorrow."
"I am ready to start my training now. I don't need to go. It's a waste of time."
"This is part of your training and not up for negotiation. You will go and learn the human ways, just as I did at your age and every other first born Krampus has done in our family."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then you want take over for me when I retire and it will fall to your younger sister Kelcy."
"That's bullshit! It'smy birthright."
"Correction, son it's your birth privilege, not right and there is a huge difference between privilege and right. If you don't want to put in the work then your sister will take my place not you, end of discussion."
"But Father..."
"I said end of discussion."
"Fine." Klaus turned and stormed out of the room.

     2 days later in the very early morning hours of 12/01/1993 klaus stood outside Krampus manor carring what little belongs he was aloud to take in a napsack, saying good bye to his mother and sister.
"I love you both." He said hugging them tightly.
"I will miss you my sweet boy." His mom said, a tear streaming down her cheak.
"Come son, we must go now before the sun rises and the portal closes." His father commanded from behind. He turned and walked to him.
"I don't need you to come with me."
"It's tradition." Klaus rolled his at the word. "I will be back shortly my girls." He said as he raised his claw to the portal and drew a circle.

    A bright light began to shine through, as the circle grew bigger  and bigger. Kaiser placed his hand on his son's shoulder and lead him through the portal. On the other side they landed in front of a small snow covered stone cottage.
"Where are we?"
"Our family cottage. Where did you think I stayed when I was here for Christmas."
"I guess I never really thought about it."
"Come on." He said walking towards the porch.
"So, what I just have to live in this cabin for a year and then I can come home?"
"It's not that easy." He said pulling a key from his pouch and unlocking the door.    "It's more than just living here. You must live as one of them. You will find work, get to know the towns people, shop and hunt for your food. Observe and learn."
"I don't know how to do human things and I despise them."
"That is the point of the Klaus. It's for you to learn and grow. You can't truly tell naughty from nice without learning their ways."
"And just how do you expect me to blend in?"
"That reminds me." Kaiser reached into his pouch and pulled out a bottle blue metallic dust. Pouring some in his hand, before blowing it on his son. "There we go." Klaus started coughing and waiving his hands in front of him.
"What was that?"
"You'll see." His dad said with a grin. Blue and green dust swirled from the bottom off Klaus's hoofs up his body to the top of his horns.
"Whats the hell is happening!?" He yelled as he began to raise slightly off the ground.
    As the dust subsided and he was planted back on the ground he began to  pat his body.
"No, no, no, no. This isn't happening." He said as he noticed the changes. His hoofs were now gone, in there place 2 human feet, his beautiful tail no more and his horns, his gorgeous horns. "Dad, what did you do? I'm hideous!" He said looking at himself in the mirror in the foyer.
"Don't be so dramatic. I made you look full human so you would blend in. It only last until the day after Christmas of next year and for on the nights of the full moons at the strike of midnight you will change back until sunrise the next morning. Make sure you are in cabin and no one finds out your secret. Like your Uncle Chris people have been trying to capture us for years. Don't let it happen."
"Yes Sir."
"Now you will have everything you need here except food. Here's some money, it should get you by until you find work. The town of Cranberry Falls is just up the road a few miles to your right, snowmobile is out back in the shed. I would start a fire soon to help keep warm until the heater kicks in. Make me proud son."
"I will Dad." Kaiser turned to leave.
"Oh one more thing." He handed Klaus a black bell. "Ring this if you get into any trouble and need my help." And with that he was gone.

    Klaus locked the door before turning and taking a look around. The livingroom room was open, a beautiful stone fireplace set as the centerpiece of the room.  Cozy furniture gathered around. Floor to ceiling windows along the back wall, that over looked the forest and in the center french doors that opened to a deck. To the left was a small dining room with a little round deep cherry wood table and around the corner from that was a cozy kitchen. Back in the livingroom on the right side of the room was a wooden staircase. Klaus climbed it slowly. At the top he was met with a loft bedroom. A four post wooden bed, matching end tables and dresser, along with a bathroom. (It's not a castle but it will do.) He thought to himself as he walked to the dresser to find clothes.

    After thowing on a pair of pants  he made his way back down stairs he belted a fur pelt around his waist and headed out back to cut some firewood.
"FUCK!" He yelled jumping back inside the door when his bare feet hit the icy, snow covered porch. "Really! Stupid human feet!" He stomped back through the cabin and grabbed the fur lined boots by the door. He grunted as he faught to get them on his feet.
Once done he made his way back outside, grabbed the axe from the side of the porch and started to chop fire wood. An hour later he was back inside, had built a roaring fire in the fireplace and was ready to head into town to get food.
"Let's get this over with." He scoffed as he locked the cabin up and headed off towards town.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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