level 01

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i read from the arcade game's screen.

"Dude this is your 12th time getting the highest score on these games! You're basically a legend!!" my best friend said.

"ha, thanks but if getting high scores on arcade video games then what even is my life, cal!?"

"oh my god michael, you're only 19, you're not wasting your life. stop being a drama queen !! "

"ugh, as if!" i kidded. (a/n: if u've seen clueless imagine michael pretending to be cher lol)

but really, i thought... i have no extraordinary talents, other than being able to play the guitar yeah but its one in a million that i will become successful from playing guitar... even if i was good at it too.

"c'mon let's play another game!!!" column said, snapping me out of my thoughts. (a/n: column i just)

"alright let's go" i said and laughed after putting in my name in Twin Galaxies. 'High Score 01,029,317 -mgc'

we ended up playing a classic game of pac man, me winning ;-). but then we got really really hungry, ...well i did at least.

so we reacted on instinct and ran to the only food shop they had in the arcade.

and no, i wasn't the least bit embarrassed that we literally ran. :P


after waiting in the line for food, we finally got up to the cashier.

"hiiii, we'll take one medium pepperoni pizza, extra cheese and thick crust pwease ashton." i ordered in a baby kind of tone.

we knew ash because we've gotten to talk to him over the many times we've come here to the arcade.

"ok, anything else?" he asked.

i mentioned to calum if we should get anything else, "Oh yeah can we also get two large sodas one dr. pepper and a....uh mikey?" calum told ashton and asked me.

"...and a coke. oooo and a cadbury twirl?"

"i don't know can u?" ashton giggled as we looked at him shaking our heads no. (smh ashton omg)

"ok then ur total is $21.36" ash said sadly but also like "awww ok it was fucking funny fuck u guys hehehe" as he handed us a numbered triangle thingy so we know when to get our pizza when he calls our number. (i srsly don't know what to call those)

i then gave him the money and said thank you ape booty. ashton said he loved me too after :'D


"ohhh. my. gawddd. this pizza is always so good." calum said with a mouth stuffed with pizza.

"i know, the cheese is like a volcano erupted in my mouth and all the lava is spreading onto my tongue." me saying that in between bites.

"dude u just described this pizza in the most perfect way possible. god bless u" i know column, i know.

so as we sat there, enjoying that wondrous pizza and candy, a girl walked into the arcade. i know so because we were like what?.. 40 feet away from the entrance?.

but that was weird for a girl to just walk into the arcade by herself. you would normally see a girl being forced into the arcade because she has to make sure her brother is safe or she has to babysit some annoying kids.

but i also noticed something.

this girl was in fact, absolutely fucking beautiful.

ok so idk i liked this chapter :) ! its a good start if i do say so myself.

the chapters will be named levels btw! I thought that'd be a cute lil theme kinda thing. c:

ashton is in here & what? it's the first chapter hell yeah

im craving pizza now with a deep passion tbh ...

oh & pLs plS don't tweet #happyfathersdayashton bc its not right if it upsets ashton bc his father isn't around him & it'd be insensitive to mention that to him (i'm saying don't tweet that to him or tag him in captions saying happy fathers day daddy to ashton 10,000 times) we don't want to make him upset and sad over some kink . :(

i just don't want to risk getting that beautiful kangaroo

no h8 m8's

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