Chapter 15

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Two years later

Hanan's pov

Today is finally finally finally my graduation day and I must say I am the happiest person on earth.
Yay me.

Haaya has also managed to graduate. For the past few years,she attended more summer classes and that was why she is able to graduate this soon. I on the other hand, just have to say Alhamdulillah. Things haven't been easy for the past two years,rather they got harder. But I pushed myself more and more.

Those past two years I was filled with hardships but Alhamdulillah I had my family. They all supported us through thick and thin especially Ya Moh and ya Abdu.

I became more closer and comfortable with him. His love for me I increased day by day, he comes to check up on us every day for the past two years unless he had to travel for business.

My mommies, dad and brothers came two days earlier for the graduation. And some of my cousins,aunties and uncles are also here.

Unfortunately,Ya Moh' traveled to Berlin Yesterday and can't attend the Ceremony.

My alarm rang making me stretch as I yawn slowly opening my eyes to the light ray's coming from the window that was covered with a milk colored curtain.

I lazily stood up and then went to the bathroom and take my bath.

When I came out I walked to Haaya's room to wake her up and after I did that, I went back to my room and I applied skincare before I did a nude makeup.

I wore a black palazzo pant,together with a white turtleneck shirt then I did my tarha.

We were given our graduation gowns yesterday. So I am going to snap some pictures in a studio together with Haaya before going to school.

After we both were done getting ready, we drove to McDonald's and bought fries to which we ate in the car,I did Haaya's makeup too.

When we reached the studio, we took lots of pictures then we head to the University of Buckingham.

Our course mates were all dressed and ready for the ceremony. When we reached, I went to my department while Haaya left to hers too. My course mates come up to me and ask for pictures and I just smile and then pose for the camera. I don't even know some of the people in our department I am just seeing new faces today. I am only comfortable with ibtisam, a friend I met and we are studying the same course and some other people we work out projects together with.

After Two hours, the ceremony commenced as we were all seated accordingly in the auditorium with about 900 seats and the stage was really huge.

The school management had their speech one by one before they started announcing the graduate grades.

I sat on the first row with ibtisam and many of our course mates as we were all seated according to our departments.

I was using my phone while the Head Management was calling out Names of the graduates in Medical Department.

"Dr. Haaya slim(Salim)Aliyu"and the crowd was filled with applaud and cheers. I really felt that moment. I was really happy for her.

But turned out our parents at late and won't see this happy moment of our lives.

Haaya got up to the stage with a smile plastered on her lips as she gave her speech.When she finished the auditorium was filled again with applaud and cheers as she came down the stage with her testimonial given to her buy the AD.

As she was coming closer, I took a video of her walking majestically and stopping to respond some people congratulating her.

When she came closer I stood up and hugged her.

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