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You slammed the dressing room door shut. "What the hell was that Coriolanus?" pacing the length of the room, anger seeping out of you. "Did you forget what we were supposed to do? We were supposed to play it off, say we were too young. That was not playing it off! That was proposing!"

In your rage, you stumbled in your heels. He watched you curse under your breath, undoing the strap on them and throwing them across the room. Coriolanus didn't move, cemented in his spot just past the door.

"Listen to me Y/N," his tone was stern, like a parent scolding a child. "I didn't mean to."

"Of course you did!" you interrupted your voice tinged with sarcasm. "You always do whatever you want, don't you? Here, the gala, the dinner. Always regardless of the consequences!"

Your words were sharp, digging in the fact that whatever was going on between you two there was meant to be a unified front, a single storyline. You were meant to be partners in the power play, both of you using each other to further your positions. All the work that went into constructing the next five years of the act was undone in an instant.

"I thought we were on the same page, Coriolanus. There was a plan for what we were going to do, but you just fucked it up!" He was always hypercritical of himself, internal monologue pointing out his every mistake, but you doing the same set him off.

"Can you shut up for five seconds! Or are you so self-obsessed that you can't let anyone else get a word in."

"How dare you try and talk to me about being self-obsessed you narcissistic, unthoughtful-"

"There you go! Proving my point. You can't even get off your high horse for a minute so I can explain why I did that."

"You want to explain? Fine then, explain." you spat.

Coriolanus' jaw clenched. You were so hot and cold with him. He could never gauge what you really wanted in all of this, and you would never just tell him either.

"I saw an opportunity."

"For what?"

"To play the part, to make the story so much better. Picture it, Coriolanus Snow, a man who has always been so organised and timely there are articles on how to put your life together like him, rushing into something. He's so in love with his mentor's daughter that he proposes to her on stage in front of all of Panem, and he doesn't even have a ring on him because at that moment he realises that he can't live without her."

Your eyebrows were drawn, scanning over his face like you were looking for a fault in what he said, as you dissected it. There was nothing wrong with it though. The show was exactly how he described it. It painted him as a kind and caring man, beyond his known abilities at game making.

"You should have told me ahead of time."

"I didn't have a chance. I thought of it while getting ready." he was lying, and you could tell. Seeing through lies was your speciality. He hadn't thought about it while getting ready.

You called him on his bluff. "Bullshit. You didn't have any plan, that was all impulse." you were digging your finger into his chest to make your point. "You could have ruined everything we've been working on, made the past year pointless. What if I hadn't followed along? What if I lost my composure for your little outburst? It's not just your future on the line here Coriolanus. I'm leaving."

Your shoulder bumped into his as you moved to walk out of the room, but his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you back and lifting you off the ground.

"Y/N," he started.

"Let me go!"

"You don't get to walk away from me. You need to listen to me."

the death of an actor | Coriolanus Snow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now