math is shit, math is shit nanananana fuckin shit

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what even is the point in math all it does is just throw my shitty mental health even further down the drain. i have an exam tmrw and on the last test i got 9.10 percent so ik ill get a score like that again and im gonna relapse tonight. i wanna be gone i dont wanna be here anymore why was i born into this world just to suffer. i wishmy parents didnt have sex. why did they do that. i wish i was dead. then i wouldnt be here anymore. i dont want to die. i just wish i was never born we should have the choice whether we wanted to be born or not. im not loved by enyone, not my parents nope theyve never told me they loved me, theyve told me they ruined their life but they havent told me they love me ik thats normal but it hurts it really does.

btw the title is crywank reference

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