Big sister is mean to little sister, what happens is SHOCKING

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It was a normal day at the Heeler house, Bandit was outside doing yard work or something, Chilli was cooking, and Bluey and Bingo were playing roblox on their tablets. 

Suddenly Bluey got a discord message from Mackenzie

(Mac'nzie: yo hop on for tnite *insert unfunny gif*)

"Hey Bingo I'm gonna play fortnite with Mackenzie, okay?" said Bluey. "But you promised me you would help with my mega Sonic 2 tycoon mansion! :(" Bingo said. "I lied. go play roblox with your own friends, Bingus." Replied Bluey. 

Bingo went away to her room, angry that Bluey was being mean. Decided to ask Lila to play roblox with her. she messaged Lila with discord (even though she's more under the age requirement than Bluey) and she had to use her 14th alt account since the other ones had been banned. 

(Bingle: Lila play rolbox with me pls)

(Lil: ok)

so then Bingo and Lila played roblox then end


the next day when Bluey came home from school, she showed Bingo that she had been invited to Rusty's birthday party. "And you can't come, so there." said Bluey. "Erm ackshually 🤓, Bingo has to go with you you because your father and i Have work that day." Said Chilli. "What the fluff" Bluey said. "Do not f*cking swear" said Chilli.

So on the day of Rusty's birthday, after Bluey and Bingo had been dropped off, Bluey said to bingo, "You better not embarrass me, you little red turd." and then went to the living room. Bingo sat in the front doorway and cried softly. she couldn't believe that Bluey was being so mean to her! 
Then Rusty's little sister, Dusty, saw Bingo crying. "What's wrong, Bingo?" she asked. Bingo wiped her face. "Bluey.. is being mean to me, and she called me names..." 
Dusty thought for a moment. "I know! Lets teach Bluey a lesson, like I do with my brothers!" Dusty said. "Yeah!" said, Bingo.

(2 minutes of sinister plotting later)

"Alright everyone! Come outside for party games!" said Rusty's mum, who had set up some simple games in the backyard. 
"You remember what we planned?" asked Dusty. "No." Bingo replied.

The first game was to shoot a soda can into a barrel using a Nerf gun, except Dusty had given Bingo a Nerf gun with the bullets made of hard plastic instead of foam, and to shoot Bluey with it when she wasn't looking. Right as Bluey turned around, Bingo shot Bluey in the back of the head. "Yeeeowch! OWWW! WHO DID THAT?" Yelled Bluey, looking towards Bingo and Dusty. But they pretended that they were just playing by the fence. 

Next game was musical chairs (reminder that musical chairs is still cool and if you think otherwise then theres the door -->🚪)
Bingo would hide nearby, and when Bluey tried to sit in a chair when the music stopped, Bingo would pull it away at the last sedond. Bluey fell on the ground. "What the heck? who's doing this?" she said, but Bingo and Dusty had already left the scene.

the last game was hide and seek. for this one, Bingo and Dusty had gotten a Bluetooth speaker and Dusty's tablet. They were going to play a loud sound effect near where Bluey was hiding to scare her. "What sound should we play?" Asked Dusty. Bingo thought for a moment. "I know the perfect one." she replied.

"Ready or not, here i come!" Shouted Snickers, who was it. Bluey was hiding under the front steps. Dusty slid the Bluetooth speaker on the other side of Bluey, close enough to be very loud. She gave Bluey the signal, telling her that the Bluetooth speaker was in place and ready.

Bingo pressed play on the tablet.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL [[bad word]]" Bluey screamed, running away from the hiding spot. Bingo and Dusty quickly ran inside. there was only one more plan left, and it was the most trifficult one yet. 

"Alright, time for cake!" Said Rusty's mum.  Everyone came inside and sang happy birthday to Rusty, then got a slice of cake. and then the plan went into action.
or it tried.
"Bluey, come here! i need your help!" called Bingo. "Fine.." said Bluey going to Bingo. Then, down on the floor, Dusty pulled a string, which was supposed to make Bluey trip and fall onto her slice of cake. Instead, Bluey tripped, the cake slipped from her hands, and got on Digger, Rusty's older brother. "....huh?" Digger said, wiping the cake off of his face. "I'm so sorry! I tripped on that string..." Bluey's voice trailed off as she noticed Dusty on the floor. "What the- did you have something to do with this?" she asked. "No." said Dusty. 

Bingo appeared from wherever she was. "It was me, Bluey! I'm sorry! You see... I.. I wanted to teach you a lesson, for being mean to me.. and Dusty helped me. I shot you with plastic bullets, and, and I moved the chair when you sat down, and i played that loud noise when you were hiding! So you see.. i did all that so you would stop being mean to me!" she cried. Bluey hugged Bingo. "Its okay, Bingo. I should be the one whos sorry. i was being mean. i hope you can forgive me." Bingo hugged Bluey back. "I forgive you." she said.

"That's, cool and all. I still have cake on me though." said Digger. "Oh yeah. here's a napkin." Said Dusty, handing him a napkin. Digger began to  wipe his face, then passed out. "Did you give him the Chloroform napkin??" asked Bingo. "oops." Said Dusty. "THE WHAT?" Bluey yelled. "That was gonna be plan B..." whispered Bingo.

*insert inspirational message*
Hey whatever dont be mean because its bad or whatever. treat people nice and say nice things even when they are annoying asf. dont forget to like and subscribe and stuff.

(it took me two hours to write this whole thing)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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