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Note: Will be improved later in time and probably a bit more scenes and a bit more clearness.

A man was in a dirt crater, laying on a suspended position, many items, power armour armour and weapons are around him and the area. 

Until he immediately sits up straight and gasps for air as he regulated he's breathing, he looked around.

Male 09: where am I?

This is just a trailer.

The scene changes to Male_09 who looks through some bushes to see a festival full animals.... Walking talking animals?

Male_09: What the fuck...

The scene changes to the ZPD we are in the prospective of Someone running to the main lobby, trying to go through exit.

But was stopped as multiple animals police officers surrounded their position. Their weapons fully drawn at their direction.

It must've been everyone from the lobby. From medium to large size, they all took a stance together as one united team to block the exit.

The largest animals, such as the elephant, stood in the back row. While the smallest animals, such as wolves, knelt down in the front row with mildly confused but strongly focused facial expressions as they prepared for action. Ears were pointed and animal instincts were kicking into gear.

All the mammal officers held their positions, except for one of them that stepped through the crowd. He wasn't the tallest, but the horned officer had the most scowl of them all.

The uniformed caped buffalo took a defensive stance and glared at the person for a few seconds, then while pointing at them.

Buffalo Chief: You've got nowhere to go! We've got you surrounded.

The person saw this was unfazed by the remark as you're probably seeing this, you might think you've got no chance of escape.

Buffalo Chief: Now let's make this simple. Turn yourself in and we can resolve this without conflict.

???: Ha... Ha... Ha.... Bullshit.

The scene switches to 3rd person as the Buffalo Chief looks at the Human, who is looks up at him and looks at all the animals without any expression. The buffalo chief narrowed his eyes on the human.

???: Do you really expect me to believe that?

The human male suddenly grins insanely as he tightened his fist, this gave them an uneasy feeling. The mammal police officers tightened  their gripped on their pistols and the buffalo chief shook his head disapprovingly.

Buffalo Chief: I don't know what the devil you are, nor do I care,  but you will NOT be leaving here!

???: I think I have an easy chance of doing so.

This made the Buffalo Chief fume at the unknown creatures stubborn and and boldness.

Buffalo Chief: I'm going to ask you this once. STAND DOWN NOW!

The Human locks in as he was nothing but above all these pathetic creatures. Now he will show them the true power of a GOD.

Male_07: Nah, who needs to anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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