Chapter One

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Sheisdash >>>>> BRI

" Lisa do I have to go" ?

"Yes Bri you never go any were but school and work live for once ".

" I'm fine with that staying in the house watching Orange is the new black is all , and everything I will ever need in life ".

" That show is horrible I watched it all , oh but that new chick Ruby Rose is Amazing when sh-

" blah blah blah blah stfu you no I'm only on season 2 ep 1 so keep your mouth close or I will sew it shut "

"Whoah calm down I will now put your shoes on and let's go ".

" But Lisa I look like a complete whore ". I have on a very short grey dress that fits my curves amazing I must say , the back of the dress completely gone like why would who every made this do such a thing to me. I also have on pointed nude heels my hair is pulled back in a straight pony , and my lips are nude my makeup is perfection since I love everything about makeup.

" You complain to much you are gorgeous my darling ". Lisa said well tried to say in a British accent.

Lisa is my best friend she's 17 as well and lives with me , and her parents she loves my house and hates hers oh and hates her clouths and love mine.

" Now chop , chop let's roll ".

We make are way to my baby a yellow hummer that I'm in love with.

"How are we even going to get in this club were only 17 if you forgot ".

"I told you my cousin works at the door were fine ".

" Yeah we better " I say as I drive to the club were going to it takes about 25 mins to get there. Lord the place is big there's so many people standing in line to get in .

" Are you crazy Lissa look at that line its longer than half the lines to get on a ride at six flags ".

Lissa starts laughing gets out the car a yells " come on silly "

I finally get out the car , and start walking towards the back of the line when I feel lissa pull me towards the front . she says something to the huge man at the door then he let's us in. When we make it in the club my mouth drops there's so many people here do they have nothing better else to do . I look around trying to find lissa to see her already talking with some man he okay cute IG or whatever .

I inform her I'm going to the bar once I get there I realize duhh dummy your not old enough to get a drink . well let's see what happens when I order . I sit down , and notice how sexy the bar tender is that blond hair , green eyes , and body I snap out of it when I see him coming my way .

" beautiful can I get you anything "

I look at the bartender while he's smiling , and omg he haves dimples .

"Miss " he says

"Oh sorry I'll have dimples- shit wait sorry uh I mean I'll have a cranberry juice with a shot of vodka ". I mentally slap my self for saying such a thing .

"One cranberry juice with a shot of vodka , and my dimples coming up " he says and winks my way

Great he's cocky I say to myself.

" Here princess " the bartender says , and hands me my drink I smile and hand him a bill

Now he's just standing there and looking at me hope he likes what he sees .

" Can I help you " I ask

" What's your name princes "

" Bri " I say well scream back the music in the club got extra loud

" What's yours "

" Blake , Blake with the dimples " he smirks

" Well thanks for the drink dimples- shit I mean Blake ". I get up , and walk away there's no way I'm staying there to say something dumb again.

" Wait "

I turn around to see Blake no longer at the bar , and coming my way great .

" I was wondering if I can get your number princess "

He asks while scratching his neck avoiding eye contact which was cute in its own way.

" Why " I plan on giving him my number , just wanna see what he says

" Well princess your absolutely beautiful , and I'll be a foul if I let you walk away not knowing when or if I'll ever see you again . I would love to talk more and show of my dimples sinces there not on the menu , but as you see I'm working ".

Smooth I say in my head

I smile and say " Give me your phone " he gives me his phone and I save my number under princess . I then go to his camera

"What ate you doing princess " Blake ask

" Here take my picture "

He take the phone and I pose as sexy as I can .

" Damm " he says with his mouth open I smirk

" why you ask me to uhh take this "

" I needed a contact pic plus you have sum to look at " his eyes open up wider I smirk

" By Blake I wink and walk away with a switch "

Now let's find lissa . I see her dancing with some man a different one .

" Lissa "!

" Bri I've been looking for you let's go to are table "

While we walk away Lissa's dance partner didn't like that and tried to pull her back she slaped him and he walked away weird .

" Thirsty much " I laugh and say

" You think " lisa laughs
" What are you drinking "

"Cranberry juice with a shot of vodka"

" okay gay totally gay "

"And how I'm driving remember "

" Not tonight this club is one of the best it haves hotel rooms a few floors up "

I look up to see lissa shaking keys

" I'm not staying here neither are you"
I say while taking a drink of my so called gay drink

" Good god bri come on just for tonight I've already paid for the room"

Please , please , please , please , please , please ......

I slowly drift of thinking if we should stay it would be nice for me to have fun for once I'm alwaze busy with work school , and no time for fun . This is a totally gay drink I think while downing the rest , and slamming the glass down.

" I'm in "

15 shots later and me naked bed with someone maybe lissa

" God I should of sticked to the gay drink " I say then pass out ...

I hope you enjoy my First book please comment , and vote share with friends sorry for any mistakes ..

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