Episode 1: Meet again and New Life

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Kasura, lying on the hospital bed, gazes at Rojinsho with a mixture of sadness and affection. The sterile hospital environment contrasts with the intensity of their emotions. The soft hum of machines and the occasional distant footsteps create a somber atmosphere.

Kasura looks up at him, eyes filled with affection "Rojinsho, I'll miss you so much." she says softly.

Her voice, though weak, carries a weight of sincerity. The beeping of the medical equipment serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of life. Kasura reaches out, attempting to grip Rojinsho's hand, but her strength is waning.

"Promise me, even if I'm not here, you'll keep living, keep dreaming." she whispers.

Rojinsho, sitting beside her, holds back tears, struggling to find the right words. Kasura's eyes well up with tears as she continues to express her feelings.

"I love you, Rojinsho..."

As Kasura's grip weakens, the room is filled with an unspoken understanding and the weight of impending loss.

The quiet hospital room is filled with a bittersweet tension. Kasura, lying on the hospital bed, gazes at Rojinsho with an earnest expression.

"Rojinsho, I'll miss you so much..." he plays her echoes in his mind, remembering all their times together.

From jumping into puddles of rain to sharing different flavoured ice cream, their seasons were all spent together.

Her voice trails off, and she pauses, collecting her strength. With determination in her eyes, she manages a weak but genuine smile.

Kasura: "...and, if there's any chance of a second life out there, meet me at the highest place, yeah?"

Her words hang in the air, a fragile request that carries the weight of hope and a promise yet to be fulfilled. Kasura attempts to beam with positivity, though her teary eyes betray the depth of her emotions.

Rojinsho, overwhelmed, can't hold back any longer. His eyes widen, and he shouts out her name, "Kasura!"

He moves closer, gripping her hand tightly. "You can't leave me! We promised to face everything together, didn't we? I can't lose you!" he begs.

Tears stream down his face as he expresses the raw pain of impending separation. Kasura, weakened by her condition, takes a deep breath before revealing the harsh truth. "Rojinsho, I have a terminal liver condition. The doctors have done all they can, but... I can't go on like this."

Her words hang heavy in the air, and a somber reality settles over the room. Kasura's eyes, filled with both pain and regret, meet Rojinsho's gaze. "I'm so sorry, Rojinsho. I never wanted it to end like this."

Rojinsho, grappling with the weight of her revelation, clenches his fists, his eyes welling up with tears. "No, Kasura, don't say that. We'll find a way. I'll do anything. I'll give up my life, my organs—whatever it takes for you to live!"

His desperate plea echoes through the sterile walls of the hospital room, emphasizing the depth of his love and the intensity of the situation.

Rojinsho continues to plead with Kasura, tears streaming down his face as he clings to her hand, unable to accept the impending loss. "Please, Kasura! I can't live without you. I don't care about anything else; just don't leave me!"

Kasura, weakened but still trying to offer comfort, gently strokes Rojinsho's cheek. Her voice, though fragile, carries a reassuring tone.

"Rojinsho, listen. Our time together has been the most beautiful part of my life. Don't cry, my love. Remember the joy we shared." she whispers as she caresses his cheek lovingly.

Rojinsho, unable to hold back his grief, falls to his knees beside the hospital bed. Kasura, with a serene smile, imparts a final message:

"I love you, Rojinsho. Our souls are connected. Even if our bodies part, our love will endure. Find happiness, and remember me."

As her words linger in the air, Kasura's eyes gradually close, and a profound stillness settles in the room.

Rojinsho, with eyes wide open and traumatized, stands alone in the hospital room, unable to tear his gaze away from Kasura's lifeless form. The room is enveloped in an eerie stillness, emphasizing the weight of the moment.

In a low, almost inaudible voice, Rojinsho speaks his heart. "We talked about this didn't we, Kasura? No matter where we are, we'll always be together."

He wearily rises, his movements heavy with grief. The room seems to close in around him as he contemplates the finality of their separation.

"I'll see you at the highest place, Kasura." he smiles through his waterflow of silent tears.

As he utters those haunting words, the atmosphere intensifies. He notices the knife from Kasura's "Get well soon!" cake.

Rojinsho takes the knife and, with a swift and determined motion, slits himself on the neck. He collapses next to Kasura on the hospital bed, the sounds of them both now gone like it never existed...

Amidst the profound silence, a voice booms in a scene filled with ethereal light. "How unfortunate, two souls entwined by destiny, separated by circumstance. The same world awaits their return, granting them another chance at life..."

As the voice echoes, the hospital room transforms into a realm of light, and the lifeless bodies of Rojinsho and Kasura begin to shimmer. The scene unfolds with a sense of otherworldly intervention, as if fate itself is rewriting their story.

In a burst of radiant energy, the two figures are enveloped by a luminous glow. The world around them seems to dissolve, giving way to the promise of a new beginning.


"Eighteen years ago, huh..?" Rojinsho, now a seemingly ordinary eighteen-year-old, lost in thought.

His voice, a quiet echo in his own mind, reveals a sense of disorientation and a lack of clear memories from the past.

Rojinsho speaks to himself, "Different parents, a different life, but I feel like I've lived this before. It's surreal, more like a dream than reality."

As Rojinsho reflects on the peculiar nature of his existence, it's as if in this same world, he had other memories that he can't remember.

Just then, Rojinsho's mom calls from another room, disrupting his introspection "Rojinsho, dear! Get ready, you don't want to be late for your first day at the new university!"

Rojinsho, still grappling with the feeling of déjà vu, examines himself in the mirror. His reflection is that of an eighteen-year-old, his features unchanged from what he remembers.

He mutters to himself, seemingly puzzled "Same face, same name, same country...was it all just a dream?"

If you enjoyed it and want me to fully continue this then please vote and comment and i'll add this to my main focus, follow too pls, thanku! ><

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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