New to Old

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     When I was 6, I moved to a small town in Alaska, where people looked at me weirdly every day. Not that I wasn't used to weird looks, but I wasn't used to the entire town staring at me for going into a store to get food or going into a café. Arkansas was so much tamer than this drab town. I mean, at least people didn't cast a shady eye at me for wearing a mask and gloves everywhere! I'm not weird for not wanting to contract whatever disease these people had. God, people are insufferable.
      Speaking of people, for some odd reason, the people in this city had such tight skin, and it was quite redder than normal, like if they were another species! Their eyes were so -- white. If you were to ever see someone like that, you'd be scared, too. I'm so glad I moved back from that god-awful place.

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