Page two.

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Once I had regained my consciousness, I had looked around.

“Where am I..?” I wondered as I got up, I had collapsed almost instantly from getting up. There were nearby twigs that I had found and grabbed. Luckily I ahd some bandages on me, just in case there was something to happen to one of the girls. Since it was a twisted game of truth or dare. Anything could go wrong. With the resources I had, I made a splint around my leg.

I had realized after I wad woke up that there was a log sized split in my leg. I panicked. Then I heard something in the dark. 


“ What's out there!? “


“ Go away! I- I have a knife!! “ 

“ You think that scares me,... pesky earth stink? “
I froze. It spoke back to me. What on earth do I do..

“ Shit “ I muttered under my breath. I was beyond screwed if it could speak. Then something picked me up by the leg and threw me.
“ Gah!! “ I hissed in pain as I hit my head on the ground of the hard concrete. 

Flash Forward

“ Better run you filthy earth worm… “

My heart was beating loudly. It was so silent. 



My heart thumping had just increased in speed.

“ Shit. “

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. Where stories live. Discover now