Middle School Bullies.

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I want to be beautiful.
Want to be the thing you see in sunsets.
Wanna be the one you think of when watching those funny videos.
Wanna be the one you see while looking out to the stars in the midnight sky.
Wanna be the one you hold the dearest.
I want you to never let go,
So why do I still have no one?
Even after staring at the scale for so long,
And after all of the bullying, and the harassment,
All of my hard work, and long nights spent in the bathroom; crying tears, wishing for everything to just be better;
I became the person they wanted,
I gave into the middle school bullies.
I followed their will,
And, yet I am still no happier,
For I am still alone.
Nobody cares for me at all,
So what is the point?
Was the only thing I believed in until now incorrect?
Were the middle school bullies... wrong?

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