The Shopping Trip.

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The Shopping Trip.

Molly's P.O.V.

22nd March 2015

“Amy! Sit still! Rory, leave your sisters hair alone!” I stressed, strapping them into their car seats.

“But mummy! I don't want to go!” Amy whined, folding her arms.

“Tough. We need to go.” I replied, shutting the door.

“Why can't we stay with daddy?” Rory asked, trying to sound innocent.

“You know why not. We're giving your daddy the day off. Besides, mummy has been working a lot lately, so I'll like to spend time with you. Alright?” I explained, fasting my seat belt.

“Fine.” The both muttered, both doing their separate things.

I started up the engine, and pulled out the drive way, as we made our way to the shops. We traveled along the road, just listening to the radio, before we arrived at the supermarket. I unbuckled the kids from the car and held their hands, as we walked towards the shop.

Everything seem eerily quiet for a Saturday night at the shops, as it was just us and another family walking in. Inside was just the same. A few bored workers sat at the tills, along with other workers milling around the area. I grabbed a basket from the side, before walking down the aisles.

“Hey, Amy? Can you do mummy a favor? Go run down that way and grab the chocolate you and Rory want.” I smiled, pointing down the other way.

“Sure. Come on Rory!” She giggled, grabbing Rory's arm and running off.

I laughed to myself, as I walked down the dairy aisle. The family of four who had walked in at the same time as me, were all huddled together at the other end. They didn't seem to notice me, so I carried on getting the stuff I needed.

I was grabbing a pack of yogurts from the shelf, when a blue light randomly appeared. A weird buzzing noise over took, as more blue lights appeared. I turned round to see what was going on, only to be met by a sight I didn't want.

The family, that once stood there before, had been replaced by four large green things.

“We may just be here in a poxy supermarket, but tomorrow we shall rule the world! Slitheen will rule the Galaxy!” One of the things cried.

“Oh god.” I gasped ,dropping the yogurts to the floor.

“HUMAN! WE'VE BEEN SEEN!” One of them screamed, as they all turned to face me.


“Oh, this is just great!” I muttered, as I dropped the basket to the floor and took off running.

“LET OUR HUNT BEGIN EARLY!” I heard them screeched, as they ran after me.

I kept running round the store, in hope of loosing them, but I was getting no luck. But just as I as abut to give up, when a figure started running towards me. I could make it out as a man, as he shot past me and ran towards the aliens.

“Hey! Don't go that way! THERE'S ALIENS!” I yelled, probably sounding mental.

“I know, that's why I'm going there!” He shouted back, as he turned down another aisle and out of sight.

“Eurgh. Idiot.” I muttered, as I skidded to a halt.

I stopped dead, before turning round and running after the man. Yes, I was being stupid but I wasn't going to just run off and let him die. I'm not that mean! I sprinted towards the aisle he turned down, and stopped at the edge. I lent round the corner, only to see the man confronting the aliens.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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