Chapter 1 ( we will start with the boss)

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500. Hit them with a glove a bizzalion times in the face. Best use for a boss who won't listen.
499. Take the coffee mug on the desk and beat the target at least 33 times on the head. Works best when you are about to get fired.
498. Locate the stapler, and hide it. When they call you in, or over, go into a maniacal mode. Hit them in the eye, temple, and family jewels. Works best on guys.
497. Buy a new squeaky hammer, and have it as a gift for them. When they say what am I going to do with this. You must say that you'll show 'em. When you get to the weapon, unleash all your beasts, and get loudly loco. Best if its there birthday.
496. Use the pen in the office to gauge out thier eyeballs, and attack the temples. Best done after hours, because there would be a lot of screaming.
495. If your boss is a angry son of a waffle nugget, be sure to bring in that new employee, (to use as a shield) and make the poor, angry, brat of a boss ears bleed. Works best if you have been drinking water and tea.

500 Ways to MurderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon