How we met

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Diana was doing her laundry while her younger sister Michelle aged 12 was going to through her stuff
"Diana!! Give me this hairpin it's really cute" she tried on the shirt

This girl was admired by a lot of men, she was pretty,kind, intelligent and had a great figure, everyone wanted a piece of her but she didn't want to start dating cause she was still not over her first love
Her mom walked in and watched her doing the laundry
"Mrs smith just called me"
Diana looked puzzled "why?"
"She wants you to help her son with school work"
"Oh okay"

After doing all her chores, she drove to Mrs smith and she was happy to see her
"Oh my, you've become more beautiful"
She blushed "thank you"
"You're in your third year right?"
"Yes" she grabbed her books and followed her

She saw Kevin, the kid she'll be teaching
He was 16 he was calm when talking and handsome
He looked at Diana "miss,how are you"
"Oh my,am okay how are you"
Diana had never met such a calm and respective kid. They started their lessons,she was even making jokes so that Kevin can open up to her

"Let's take a break"
Kevin smiled "okay,if you love books, you can check out our library on the second floor,you might find my brother but just tell him I allowed you to go there"
"Ok" she patted his shoulder

After some minutes she went to the library
The library was big and beautiful it was well decorated,she looked at the interesting books and finally got one. She turned away and went to sit on a chair,she first stared at the cover of the book with her beautiful eyes
"This one looks nice" she started reading

"Hmm, how are you?"
A cold voice came behind her back and she felt a chill. She quickly got up from her chair and hit her head on the wall
"Ouch!!damn that hurts"
She looked at the man in front of her
Her mouth was open due to shock, the man was handsome

Victor age 25, he had curly short black hair,pink lips, dimples,he was tall and slender which made him to look more sexy
He had a beautiful but terrifying feature any girl can throw herself at him. But they had a deep chemistry together

"Umm? Kevin showed me this place so I was wait victor!!"
He smiled"hey pretty I told that'll come back for you"
"Victor, stupid soul  "she cried
He hugged her tightly

Kevin opened the door and found them hugging he was really surprised
"Do you guys know each other"
Diana smiled "yeah, should I tell him the story?"

*Flash back*
5 years ago
Diana was putting on a denim jacket and sat on a bench at the park,she looked bored so she decided to walk around
"The leaves are falling down and making a mess" a man with tattoos on his arm said angrily while holding his phone
"Dan just called,we have to get the things before sunset"
"He ain't my boss" he sat lazily on a chair
"I know but we have to if you want to save your brother,have you forgotten our mission"

Kevin joined the mafia group to save his younger bro who was kidnapped by Dan the mafia king,he was ruthless, he wanted victor to join the group so he kidnapped his brother to make him Join.

Victor grabbed his keys and drove away angrily. He had anger issues and didn't want to be controlled,the car was speeding,he realized that he was speeding and almost hit someone so he stopped and pulled over

"Are you out of your mind,you stupid soul!!"the girl shouted at him
He got irritated" say one more word and I'll rip that mouth of yours" he walked closer to her
"Get away from me!" She pushed him away
"Silly girl"
He looked at the girl,she was really pretty and looked innocent. He looked at her picking up leaves and throwing them at him
"What if you hit me ...I would have died"
"Move away, how could a pretty girl like you be so stupid"
"Hmm" she pouted her lips

He got in the car and drove off. Diana looked back and wondered who he was
"He's handsome" she sat on the bench and played with the twigs,She felt lonely again.

Victor arrived at Dan's place
"Kid, welcome"
"Piss off Dan!"
He sat down and grabbed a bottle of wine
"How's my brother"
"He's happy with his new friends"
"I want him back"
Dan sat up straight and looked in his eyes
"Listen up kid, am your Boss. Don't make decisions for me"
"He'll come back next month"

He went home and bumped into his mom and she almost fell
"Sorry mom,are you okay"
"Yeah yeah, why are you in a rush"
"Am just in a bad mood"
"Eish you and your anger issues"
After talking to his mom he went to his room and started smoking
"That girl was pretty"

Diana reached home,she was welcomed by a delicious scent
"Wow!mom it smells delicious"
"Really, come have a taste"
She hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead
"Seems you're emotional today, go take a shower and come back to eat"
She went to shower and started remembering about the guy she met

The following day she went to school
"Molly!!I want chocolate"
"No Diana! First buy for me ice cream"
"Tell me more about the guy you met"

After they knocked off they went to buy  chocolate and ice cream
"I love you bestie"
They continued walking and met victor
"It's him" she whispered
"OMG he's handsome"
She went over to say hi
"Hey you"
"Oh it's you the pretty girl I met"
She blushed after hearing his words
"I came to say hi"
"Hmm, were you fascinated about my features."
"Ah! No"she turned and walked were molly was standing
"What's his name"
"Shit! I didn't ask"

They passed through the park and Molly went her way. Diana continued walking alone,she was suddenly covered in leaves
"Hey pretty"
She cleaned herself
"It's you again" she smiled
"What's your name"
Surprisingly she was happy to see him
"Do you want to see something cool" he offered his hand
"You're quick to answer, do you trust me"
"I don't know why but I do"
She followed him and also got in the car. He drove off to an unfamiliar place which she thought never existed
"Follow me"
"Yes sir!"
He led the way and showed her his happy place
"Wow this is nice"
"I know, we can be hanging out if you wanna be friends"

Who knew that a total stranger would become bring joy in her life, Diana and victor would hang out every day as months passed,they did everything he was Diana's first in every thing,they would kiss and hug, Diana and victor even got matching tattoos. He was already done with school,so he would wait for her.
"What's your favorite season"he said while playing with her hair
"Why?, The leaves are always falling"
"I love that I can do this..."she threw leaves on his face
"Come on"he laughed
He had the beautiful laughter. The lay on the ground and started playing with the leaves
Diana stared at him and kissed him on the forehead" I hope you never forget how we spent our fall together"
He smiled at her "I'll always remember"

The more they spent time together the harder they fell for each other
"I love you"
Her eyes became bigger which made them look even cuter
"But"he stared at her
"But what?" She got anxious
"Am a mafia and you're too good to me, loving you will bring death and I don't want that"
"So you're saying we can't be together?"
"Yes,am leaving"
"Leaving,where are you going"
"To another country. You should know that I love you and will always"
"If you love me why are you leaving!!"she cried out"stop being a mafia and be with me instead"

"I'll come back for you"
She shook her head "don't bother coming cause I'll move on with someone who's not afraid of sacrifices"
She walked away but he pulled her back
"Whenever I see the leaves fall off, you're the first person who comes to my mind. I enjoyed hanging with you in autumn but I hope you think of me too cause I'll never stop thinking about you"

She cried seeing him leave,he was her best friend and her first love

*End of flash back*
"I told you that I'll come back for you"
"You kept your promise"
She stared at him " you jerk,you finally came after all these years"
"Are you upset with me?"
"I hate you,you made me hate Fall"
He hugged her tightly"sorry I took long"
Kevin was in disbelief"what!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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