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" Hey Chloeeee " I say as I enter our room. " What do you want? " She responds curiously looking at me. " What makes you think I want something? " I ask her looking clueless. " Because when you go Hey Chloeeee, you always seem to want something. " She responds. She knows me too well. " Okay. Fine. Wanna sneak out to a party tonight?! " I ask eagerly. " Sneak out?" She asks. " Why can't you just ask Crawford if we can go."

" I already did, he said no. "
"Did you ask Chris? "
" He said no too. "
" How abou- "

Chloe just smirks at me. I look at her questioningly until I catch on. " You set me up, you wanted me to get ticked off." I say glaring at her. She just smiles and mumbles " Yea... I will come to the party with you. " ( I literally almost typed what Twaimz is saying because I am watching him live on YOUNOW.)


" Night Guys " Chloe and I say to Chris and Crawford. " Night " They respond glancing at us. We go to our rooms and change into our clothes for the party. We slip into bed and wait for Chris and Crawford to check up on us.


It's been two hours so far and neither Chris or Crawford checked on us. It is getting late and we already missed an hour of the party. We decide to risk our bums and go to the party. We arrive there and we can hear music pumping from a mile away. We enter the house and we are immediately greeted by the scent if drugs and alcohol. Chloe make her way towards the drugs and I make my way toward the alcohol. I take seven shots and I start to feel a little tipsy. I decide not to take anymore, just incase. I fight my way through the crowd to make my way to Chloe. I see her making out with some random dude. I check my phone and see that it is three am. I grab Chloe's arm and guide her towards the door. She checks her phone and see's that it is three am. Thankfully she is not high. We head out the door and run home. We sneak back in through the front door. We turn around only too see.....


CLIFFHANGER!!!! I'm pretty sure you all know what comes next. I hope you like the first chapter. The spanking will be in the next chanpter.

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