
I got kidnapped.

So, that's a crazy way of starting this diary entry. I will try to write down everything as best as I can so you can understand me.

Everything started today at 6:00 am. I woke up at 6:00 am, I was ready at 6:30, and got out of the house at 7:00.

I was meant to arrive at the orphanage at 7:30, but suddenly a random car appeared out of nowhere, They put a bag over my head and shoved me into their car.

It was an awkward ride, especially since I was so shocked I didn't even scream. Plus, I was worried that my glasses got damaged, and they tied my hands so there wasn't any way I could free myself either

At some point, they injected something on me. I fell asleep. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in a cold room. Metal walls, no windows, two guys with guns, and a white-haired woman sitting in front of me.

My hands were tied to this metal chair I was sitting on with handcuffs around my wrists. This woman wasn't handcuffed like me, though. Turns out, she was the boss.

She said her name was Verónica. She was wearing a purple suit, and she had her hair down, almost waist length. Honestly she was a little pretty but that isn't the point

She told me that I, in fact, was going to take care of an esper kid - a kid with funky powers -, but not any esper kid, an ARTIFICIAL ESPER KID. (laboratory made, apparently)

Verónica explained to me that the name of the kid in question was "Proyect Zero". Apparently, Zero was meant to be a war bioweapon or something like that? If you ask me, using an 8 year old like a weapon is incredibly fucked up, but if I say something I might get murdered

Verónica said she needed me to "discipline her" so she stops,, killing innocent scientifics that walk into her cell.

So, yeah, as you can tell this day was absolutely insane

Before I could even say no, she just un-cuffed me and took me to where the cell of this "Proyect Zero" kid was. When I arrived, the little girl was just... standing there. In the middle of her small cell, looking right through the glass, staring at me and my boss. She had a deadpan face.

Then, Verónica made me walk in.

Once I stepped in and the doors behind me closed, Proyect Zero stared at me. Then, the little toys and papers scattered on the floor of her cell started to levitate. It didn't take long until I started levitating, too.

The objects started to fly in circles, like a tornado. She kept silent, staring at me. Her pupils looked weird, as if fragmented in some way.

This may be graphic, but I felt like my insides were about to explode. There was an insane pressure inside my head, and I felt like all my organs were just about to burst.

I felt like I was about to die. And honestly, I wasn't willing to die

So uh. In the desperation of the moment, I offered her a mango in exchange for putting me down and not killing me!

Strangely, it worked. Apparently, she has never heard about what a mango is.

Now, I owe a mango to a laboratory kid.

I will make sure to bring the best mango I can find. I really don't want her to get mad.

For now, they assigned me a room to stay. It's small, but the bed is... good enough, I suppose. I also have a roommat. His name is Philip Schuyler.

I will try to see if they let me go out tomorrow. If I can go out, I will see if I either go to the police station... or to buy a mango.

That was all for today. I'll go to take a nap.

Good night

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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