forced hangout

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" did u miss me elo?" Michelle asks elox

{Elo is short for elox/nickname by michelle}

"Hm..yes I did miss u dear sister :]  " elox answers

"Hmmm hey Michelle what r ur thoughts on the void?" Asks miss lomi to Michelle

"The void? Hm... oh! U mean where the ppl have been reported missing went to?  I've always wanted to go there to see how things r" Michele answers

"Welp good for u!" Miss lomi says as she places her hand on elox's shoulder " elox is willing to give u a tour there!"

Elox looks at her mom with a face that speeks we didn't agree for that

Miss lomi death stares elox with a stare that speeks  do as told or else

Later on in the portal room

"So this is how the portal room looks like huh?  Honestly I thought the portal would be more interesting looking" Michelle says

"Look miche  here r the rules of being in the void  don't take ur mask off   the void has toxic air    don't go away from me   u will be lost and probably eaten   and always have a weapon on u  such as guns   guns r the best choise since ur able to shoot from afar "  elox explained The rules and tossed a gun to Michelle

{Miche is short for michelle/ nickname by elox}

Michelle looks at elox with silence

"What?" Said elox

"U haven't called me that in ages" says Michelle

"So?  It's ugly saying michelle" explains elox

"Aight aight" says Michelle

After the both get into the void

"'s pitch black!" Michelle says

"Yea yea"

Elox gets on her motorcycle

"Hop on ur motorcycle miche" commands elox

Michelle does so and they both went to explore

Michelle spotted a what seemed to be an abandoned hospital in the distance

"Hey Elo  let's go there" says mi hello as she pointed at it

"Aight aight "

They both then go

They park their bikes out there and looks at the hospital

"Strange  why would there be a random abandoned hospital in the middle of no where  no parking lots   nothin " says Michelle

"Whqt do u think idiot?  This is the void   not ur average world" elox says as she enters

"Hey wait up!" Michelle says as she follow elox

They both turn on the flashlights and look around   there r lots and lots of dead bodys  eaten bodys  and lots of slimy thingys  that send shivers down Michelle's spine 

"Why is this place s-so creapy?!... why r there dead ppl!..." says mi hello sounding scared

"Its the void idiot...wait-  is the brave miche scared? "  elox mocked

"Wh-what?!  N-no! I'm not scared! >:| "  says Michelle trying to seem confident

Then they both leave cuz Michelle is a scaredy cat

Once they arrive back to the real world

They take a break


They sit down at the dinner table

"Ah..isn't it great? The whole family is back again :].. "  says Miss lomi

Michelle seems a bit sad abt something and bothered

"No..the family isn't back  dad isn't here is he?" Elox speeks

Michelle looks at elox from the corner of the eye seeming to be a bit confused on how did elox say the thing she wanted to say

"Ahem" Miss lomi clears her throat " the family is all back together :] "

Elox knew what she ment by the way miss lomi said those words

Elox looks dosn at her plate

"Mhm  the family is all back together..." elox says

Michelle looks at elox then mother

"Mhm! The family is back :] "

Then they 3 start eating

Michelle noticed that elox seemed a bit disgusted by eating  why? She didn't know why

After that elox went to the balcony and Michelle followed her

Elox was there looking at the flowers at the garden

"They're quite beautiful aren't they?" Says Michelle

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"They're quite beautiful aren't they?" Says Michelle


"Hey...I uh-...I saw how u said how the family isn't all back..I agree with isn't really a happy family without dad.."

"...hey uh....may I ask u....why did mom and dad had those fights?..." Asks elox in a disappointed and sad voise

"...i-i.....I can't tell u...I'm sorry.." says Michelle before leaving

"....knew she won't tell me..." says elox

                 [End of chapter 7]

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