Episode 5 : [Survival]

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Y/N: Taehyung

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Y/N: Taehyung...........

"" I saw one of those creatures sitting on the top of a washing machine
Even though I couldn't see it properly but that creature looked a little different than others

When it looked at me, it gave me a strange kind of smile. As if it has been waiting for me all along. I looked into its eyes and saw that one eye was destroyed ""

Y/N:  Is that the same creature that attacked us on the first day

"" What shocked me most was blood......
Tones of blood were coming out of that washing machine ""

Y/N:  It's not possible to have blood in there without having a body which means........
I said I would help him......did he die because of me.....did that creature come here for revenge.....

"" My body lost its balance and I fell on the floor. I was looking at that creature emotionlessly ""

Y/N: It happened again

"" That creature started slowly crawling towards me. It came near my face and put its big nails into my wounded hand. It started squeezing it deeper and deeper

I couldn't move an inch. Blood was flowing out of my hands. The pain was terrible but its eyes....... something was hypnotising about them. I started feeling like I should stay like this and feel the pain


I heard a loud sound. It left my hand instantly and started screaming in a very high pinched voice. It moved away from me in boiling anger

It was about to attack the other person standing there. Before that person could do anything, he mistakenly slipped on blood and ended up stabbing the chest of that creature with the broken broom he was holding

But that creature wasn't stopping moving
Normally, most creatures die in a few seconds when stabbed but this one wasn't dying. It didn't even look like it was in pain or something
It was trying hard to reach that person but that broom was blocking the way

The person was struggling to keep up. It was way stronger
Suddenly that creature got hold of that person and bit that person's hand, making him scream
It made me come to my senses again ""

Y/N: what I am doing......I NEED TO HELP HIM !!!

"" I Kicked that creature with all my might, making that broom get inside its body more

"" I Kicked that creature with all my might, making that broom get inside its body more

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