Chapters 1: Tangled

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19 years later

In a beautiful landscape a tower near the waterfall can be seen the tower was very tall as the plants made it way to the top. The tower seemed to have no door the only way to in the tower was the window which was very hard to reach suddenly a small monkey came out of it and hid in a flower pot

"HA" After a few minutes another monkey bust to the window but this one was more human-like with golden hair with the pair of golden eye and soft peach pink heart-shaped mark on his face this monkey is our wukong

"Hmm, I guess Hou is not hiding here" wukong said in a sarcastic tone and walked away this made the little monkey Hou to come out of his hiding spot. As hou laughed silently a tail was raped around him and pulled him up "gotcha " wukong who had a proud smile on his face.

As wukong puts the the little monkey down he said "That's 23 for me. How about 23 out 45" which made Hou make disagree face "okay what do you want to do" as he sat down. Hou chipped and started to point toward the forest "yeah I don't think so" bring Hou on he's lap "I like it in here so do you" at the little monkey only sticker it's tongue out at wukong.
"Oh came on bud, it's not so bad in there" as they both went inside the tower

[So here wukong is going sing ]

Wukong uses he's powers to make a cloud to take him to open the roof top as he swings back down
"7 am the usual morning line up" wukong pick out a stan of hair from his hair and turn it in to a broom then starts cleaning the hall
"Start on the chores and sweep till the floor is all clean"accidently sweeped the dust on Hou's face
"Polish and wax ,do laundry and mop and shine up" wukong sang as he mop though the floor
"Sweep again "
"And by then-it' like 7:15" wukong said looking at the clock with a tried face
"And so I'll read a book or maybe two or three" grabbing some books from the shelf
[Right now I have no what to say here just go with what wukong says]
"I'll add a few new paintings "
"To my gallery "
"I'll play guitar and knit and cook " as he pulled a peach pie out of the oven
"And basic'ly"
"Just wonder, when will my life begin?"
"Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking"
"Parper-mache, a bit of ballet and chess"
"Pottery and ventriloquy candle making"
"Then I'll stretch "
"Maybe sketch"
"Take a climb"
"Sew a dress!"
"And I'll re-read the books"
"If I have time to spare"
"I'll paint the wall some more"
"I'm sure there's room somewhere"
"And then I'll brush my hair"
"Stuck in the same place love always been"
"And I'll keep won'dering and won'dering and won'dering and won'dering"
"When will my life begin" wukong runs to the window
"Tomorrow night"
"Lights will appear"
"Just like they do on my birthday each year"
"What is it like"
"Out there where they glow"
"Now that I'm older"
"Mother might just let me go"

A beautiful temple in the middle of the town where two figures can be seen on the roof of the temple. They jumped abpnd hoped-for roof followed by a ball of shadow. Sometimes from going roof to roof they stop infont of the town. Man appeared from the ball of shadow much similar to wukong but his fur was black,six ears and a scar on his right eye. Admiring the view

"What a view" the man said "macaque" said one of the other two man who were also demons "come here"
"hold on" the named said "Yep I'm done" "imagine having a castle like this" now the one with wings was getting irritated started to walk towards macaque "stop that nonsense and get over here" he pulled his by the shirt.

Macaque now as a ball of shadow again splited down where the crown which the goddess made for wukong was kept there were many soldiers protecting it suddenly one of these soldiers sneezed "huh, hey-fever" macaque who is now standing with the crown in his hand fall into a shadowportal "hey wait!" The soldier shouted

"Wait pang why are you running you can literally fly " macaque to the one with wings " stop talking and keep running " the demon who was a lion said " come on Azure it's only 8 in the morning you don't need to be worried "

[Back to the tower]
Wukong pulling his paints away was very excited ,his is finally gonna ask "this is a very big day Hou, I'm finally gonna do it, I'm gonna ask her"
"Wukong!" Other voice outside of the tower was heard which made wukong grasp in excitement "help me out here" "time" he said to Hou
"I know I know, now go hide" "wukong I'm not going to be able to come up by myself" "coming mother" and summoned a cloud so that the lady bone demon can came up.

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