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    Leading up to her graduation ceremony, Mai was nervous. She fidgeted with the hem of her robe's sleeve as she and her classmates lined up before the entryway. The chatter around her seemed to dissolve into nothing but small murmurs as she allowed herself to reflect on how she got to this point. 

    It didn't seem like too long ago when Naru left with Lin and Gene's body in tow. The girl instinctively cringed thinking back to when Naru asked her the fated question-- "Me or Gene?" Mai never gave him an answer despite her knowing it was always Naru. Shortly after the discovery of Gene's body, Lin called the gang to meet so he could explain everything. Naru did not show up, but who could blame him? It was then that Lin revealed Naru's identity, the famous Oliver Davis. Lin divulged more details and told everyone that Shibuya Psychic Research was to close indefinitely. Understandably, everyone was distraught. Lin left once giving his sincerest apologies to everyone. This was the wake-up call Mai needed, she admitted it to herself once there were no longer any traces of Naru or Lin in Japan. 

    Mai shaped up with the support of her colleagues and friends. Ayako and Monk decided to take Mai in and assume parental roles over her. Masako called a truce to her and Mai's squabbles. Yasu was off to college, but not before giving his fullest support to Mai. John had to travel back to Australia but would be back soon after to resume his duties at the orphanage alongside Father Tojo. The gang stayed close, if not closer than before. Mai threw herself into her studies, with the help of Yasu when he was available. Now, here she stands before the crowds of families gathered. Because of her hard work, Mai is now top of her class and has a full-ride scholarship lined up at Tokyo University to pursue a degree in psychology. 


    Applause erupted as Mai pulled herself from her memories and made her way to the podium. Her sleeve fidgeting had been long abandoned and replaced with her nails digging into her skin to keep calm. 

    "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, proud parents, and my fellow graduates,

Today, as we stand on the precipice of a new chapter, I am deeply honored to share my journey with you—a journey that has been anything but ordinary. Each one of us has a unique story, a narrative that has shaped our path to this moment. My tale is one of resilience, perseverance, and the unwavering belief that challenges are not roadblocks but growth opportunities.

When I reflect upon the past few years, I see a canvas painted with the colors of adversity. Life threw me curveballs that I never anticipated, and at times, it felt like the storms would never pass. But standing here today, I realize that every trial, every tribulation, has been a stepping stone, propelling me forward toward this moment of triumph.

There were moments when I questioned whether I had the strength to continue. The weight of responsibilities, personal struggles, and societal expectations pressed down on me like an unrelenting force. But it was in those moments of darkness that I discovered the reservoirs of strength within myself—strength I never knew I possessed.

One of the most profound lessons I've learned is that adversity does not discriminate. It touches us all, irrespective of our backgrounds or privileges. What sets us apart is not the absence of challenges but our response to them. I stand before you not as someone who had an easy journey, but as someone who embraced the storms and danced in the rain.

In facing these challenges, I found solace in the support of friends who became my pillars of strength, in mentors who illuminated the path when it seemed obscured, and in the unwavering love of my family. Together, we weathered the storms, and their belief in me fueled my determination to push through.

(Mai x Naru) RestartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon