Catching Up (Mai's POV)

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"Hello, Mai. Are you available to chat?

Oliver Davis"

I stared at my phone in disbelief. 

'No. No? Oh no..... I throw my face into my pillow. This. Can't. Be. Happening. I stare at my phone again. It's real. Why? How? Why??? After all of this time. Maybe I should respond???

My thoughts spun in my head. I have a few choices to make here. I can respond and say no. I can respond and say yes. Or I can ignore it.....

"Sure. What's Up, Dr. Davis?" Smooth

"I understand it's been a while. Congratulations on your master's degree. I hear you're pursuing a PhD."

Is this really what it's about???? Jesus fucking christ

"I am. I assume Lin told you?"


"Why did you text." Straight to the point. Good job, Mai! Show him how mature you are now!

"Straight to the point?"

"I've never known you to be someone who bothers with idle pleasantries." Haha got him! 

"You're right."


"So what?"

"Why did you text? I know it wasn't to just say congrats. It's not your style."

"I am coming to Japan in a month. I was hoping we could catch up. I know my abrupt leaving was not 'tactful' as Lin put it."

"I'm not opposed. But why now?" 

"Due to some complications, staying in England is not an option for me as it is unsafe for me and my family. My parents are fine as I am the one in danger, but I would prefer us to be elsewhere for the time being until things are resolved."

"I assume I will be filled in when you get here.....?"


"I usually give this offer to Lin and Madoka when they visit, so do not find this strange. If you want a place to lay low, my home is far enough away to not be around people, but still close enough for city trips. I have two guest bedrooms and a rather large living space. You can stay with me if convenient."

"You're not going to ask anything else? Just offer me a spot in your home and not ask?"

"To be fair, you texted at 10 pm my time. So I don't think my brain is at its full functioning."

"If it is of no inconvenience to you, I am okay with the housing arrangement."

"Great! quick question, how many are coming?"

"Just two- me and my daughter. Lin and Madaoka will come as well but they have their home arrangements."

"Ok." He has a daughter. 

Our conversation lasted until 2 am my time. In less than a month, Naru and his daughter will be coming to Japan and staying in my home.... great. 


"He did what!?!?!?" 

"Ayako! Calm down, you're disturbing the kids!"

I sat with Ayako on the front steps of the church. After informing her of the developments from the night prior, she flipped.

"He hasn't talked to you or seen you in years, is on the run from something, and you willingly open your home to him and his daughter without actually knowing anything about the circumstances???"

"Pretty Much..."

"Did he say how old she was?"


"That young?"

"She's as old as the twins." I watched Ayako nod and stare off into space. Without telling anyone, Ayako and Monk eloped several years ago. Shortly after, we found out she was pregnant with twin boys. It was joyous for the group but the pregnancy and birth were tough. 

"Well," she broke the silence, "if you trust your instincts, I do too. Although I should probably be the one to tell your father." She smiled at me. Ayako and Monk formally adopted me right before graduation. They've done well as my surrogate parents... I'm thankful for them. 

The church bell sounded and the kids ran inside for lunch. I got up, Ayako following after me. 

"Mai, I need to head out if I'm going to get stuff for dinner and pick up the boys. Are you joining us tonight?" 

"I can't. I want to work more on my paper tonight and I have some stuff do to around the house. I'm coming over tomorrow though." Ayako nodded and we gave our goodbyes. I go in to look after the kids, watching the time tick by.

I left the orphanage for the week and took my two trains back to my home. Naru messaged me again that night. This time I didn't sleep until 4 am...... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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