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OUR POTENTIAL lies just beyond the closed doors, shining bright and great. The key to unlock it is in our hand, but my mind, suppressed and forgotten, lies behind it too.

Even with the sliver of potential that shines through the keyhole, we've already achieved so much. But I'm scared to face my own mind, as the subconscious becomes conscious, the forgotten becomes remembered, and the unknown becomes acknowledged.

Despite my fear, I still move forward, albeit slowly. The key is in our hand, and we can't delay any longer. We must either face it now or our potential will burn out and break apart.

NO, we can't turn our backs on our potential because we're scared. No, we must face it now or shine bright like a star. Otherwise, we'll forever hold our hate and drown in our guilt, becoming mediocre and fitting in.

I have to do it. I won't be weak or delay any longer. It's time to make a change and take the risk. This the inverted Pandora's Box,
for if we do not face it now our greatest fear shall come to pass. No more mediocracy. We must rage and have the courage to be disliked and denied.

Behind the door lies our potential, but we can't walk the path because we're scared? No, we must face it now

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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