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I can't feel pain anymore.

I can't feel anything anymore.

Where is this place so bright shining like the stars.

All I remember are some light green eyes that once had looked at me with so much hatred now looking at me with so much concern that I had started to feel my eyes water.

He has his mother's eyes, I thought in the last moments of my life.

Those eyes were not meant to see the harsh cruelty of mankind , yet they still looked so strong still wanting to not lose hope and help those people in need.

Those eyes seeking the truth

At that moment I knew I want him to know the truth.

I wanted Harry to know everything that had happened.

As I slowly felt my consciousness slipping from me

How many lives could he have saved if voldemort didn't exist. If I didn't exist.

Makes me wonder if all I did was really necessary was it really necessary to trade my happiness my love and my soul for just that bit of power.

I can't seem to be able to feel anything anymore.....just peace.

Peace for the fact that the war is over.

Peace for the fact that Harry , the one I have tried to protect, is really alive and living the life he should have lived.

He should have been able to enjoy his childhood to enjoy the little things that make up our memories
Yet in the end he has had enough strength to build himself backup and make those happy memories with his family that he always wished to have.

How proud I am of him .

That stupid boy, naming his child after me calling me a brave man when I have been nothing but a coward .

Seeing his face sadden as he tries to remember me when all I have done is make his life miserable.

Yet he still remembers me , remembers all the painfull memories I have given him.

He is nothing like his father and everything like Lilly .

I can't seem to find the burning hatred, the hidden jealousy and envy I carried for James.

I can't find the fire like passion and love I had for Lilly, though I think that fire has long been extinguished . What remains is the love you give to someone you consider your family.

I can only feel the calmness of this place and relief that the ones who have survived this monstrous war can continue life without the restrictions of the Dark Lord .

Ah if there is any God or goddess up there please condemn me for my sins and sent me to the darkes pits of hell I am supposed to belong too and I beg you, when my son from another mother and all the other who have survived and have met their demise in this hell gets send up here please allow them to enter into heaven .

The children who had to act like adults not given the chance to experience their childhood killed within seconds only seeing that green light striking their and their loved ones hearts as they fall to their demise.

So many lives lost.

So many families destroyed.

No they don't deserve to go through hell again

Not ever again.

I would do anything I could to save them again if given the chance .

I can feel my time in this world is ending.

The Gods above please hear my wish and let them live in the joy they deserve

"My sweet child" a black haired woman uttered, "my sweet Severus" she let out a sob as she continued, " your time has yet too come so why are you here , why are you suffering the same fate as I did" .

Tears started to pour out of her eyes as she wept for her dead son.

Lady magic could not bear to see a mother's tears and hence she informed her.

"Ellien , your son will not be suffering in hell . His soul and heart have still remained pure and kind even through the inhumane hell he was forced to suffer through."

She paused as if trying to find the words to comfort and reassure the mother peering up through her black void like eyes that seemed to have been replaced by a million stars of hope .

"Your son will be transmigrated to his past to fix the mistakes that have caused him this tremendous grief and relive his life as the person he always wished to be rather who he was pushed to be"

Ellien's eyes seem to look like a galaxy with stars all swirling around withan expression of relief that only a mother can make when they know their child is going to be safe and sound.

She kissed severus's forehead as she continued thanking lady magic for her benovelence.

"Please my love, live the life you want to, save the lives you need to, love who you want to love. Do not hesitate , no one will dare harm you my son for I have placed this seal of protection on you that will protect you from any life or death situation"

"Ellien it's time for his departure." Lady magic softly said not wanting to break this precious moment.

Ellien gave her son one last hug and kiss, uttering her wish for him to stay safe as lady magic took him out of the white room and into the real world .

All Severus could feel was the warmth of his mother as he soon began to feel his senses returning to his old body.....

Hellooo hope y'all enjoyed this chapter as this is my first time writing a fanfiction .
I accept and actually want constructive criticism so that I can improve my writing.
Byee see you in the next chapter till then stay safe loves!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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