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That was all I knew. When the world's spinning and they keep coming after me, all I know is to run. That's what he taught me.

All the bushes and brush spiraled into a blur, as I just kept going through the scrapes and scratches; bruises and batterings.

My legs grew more and more tired, weary from the outburst into fleeing, while my eyes were wary and worn, trying to make sense of the world around it.

I dropped to my knees, the dirt dusting around me as I collapsed on the hardened earth, sobbing as the soil retreated into my eyes and the mosquitoes gathered around for a feast.

I curled up like a frightened puppy; whimpering, breathing excessively and hurting more. The owls hooted sounds of disapproval, and the moon shunned away from the pitiful sight that I was as it hid behind the clouds.

A crow called, its wings flapping close to the ground, as its sad croak grew closer and closer to me. Its little voice spoke to me, and it felt like it was trying to grab my attention.

Feathers gently tickled my face as it landed upon my hunched back, croaking into my ear, forcing me to sit up straight. My eyes focused on a silhouette in the distance, as it gradually grew closer and closer to me.

"Damn, bird, where'd you.." His voice trailed off as he saw me, his mouth hanging open from shock.

".... I thought I was the only.."

Cat Tails and Crow FeathersWhere stories live. Discover now