Television appearance

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Television appearance and placement, historically, have been unavailable to the average brand. YouTube and other video-based platforms, including social media, allow the start-up to connect with an audience via video. The barrier to TV opportunities has been so high the world is yet to realize how the internet and have torn down the gates of entry into TV Land. One client of PSI TV commented that PSI TV was contributing to a "Black Hollywood" because several African Americans have had a TV channel opportunity to share their talent and offers, thanks to the opportunity offered where none existed within a reasonable budget.                                                      visit now

Trudy Beerman, CEO of Influence Media: PSI TV - had a message she wanted to share with the world. At the time, YouTube was not an option. She knocked on all the doors, and even though she was a Press Correspondent, she could not find a way to convince a network to help her share this message - not for free, anyway. She tried to figure out how to get on the Oprah Show or Larry King Live and found barrier after barrier. Eventually, she found coaching opportunities to pay for training on how to get on TV without guaranteeing the opportunity. Jumping at the chance to sit in a training session with the producers of a popular morning TV show - she realized that paying for a spot was a shortcut to the interview chair on TV. Even so, this price was built in the advertising department and mirrored the costs many are familiar with. A quick internet browser search will still indicate a 30-second ad spot on TV will run anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 - depending on the show slot of the insertion.

After taking a TV production course and becoming a certified TV Producer, Roku TV made the Internet TV protocol possible. Trudy jumped at the opportunity to launch Influence Media: PSI TV as a product of her registered company, Profitable Stewardship Inc. By this time, YouTube was a hot opportunity for video sharing and audience reach. Trudy believes all opportunities should be embraced to share a message so the message becomes as digitally omnipresent as possible. As impressive as YouTube and social media opportunities are, TV still stands as the most authoritative platform for video.

Chat GPT returned TV as the top video platform with the prompt, "If I wanted to appear on up to five video-driven platforms such as YouTube, TV, or others, offer me a list of options for sharing my message, rank them in order of authoritative influence, and a quick pitch for each option." TV was ranked #1, with YouTube as #2, mainly because TV has mainstream recognition for authority, and is not easy to appear on TV. Any joker can be on social media for free, while the cost and effort to have a TV presence is enough of a barrier to block lower-quality content from being on TV. According to PSI TV, "If you can YouTube, you can TV"! 

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If an expert has a message to share with a TV audience, for the cost of a date night. as a brand channel for twelve months, which will cost about a single mortgage payment.

PSI TV stacks the value of doing business with them. Because Trudy Beerman has walked the same path as many of her clients, she realized that a desire for a TV appearance was not solely for bragging rights and prestige. TV guests and new channel acquisitions were about gaining influence and audience reach. To that end, Trudy has made influential reach the focus of her research interest for her doctoral work at Liberty University. Influence and audience reach are not the same thing. Leaders may be a 'big fish in a small pond' influencing their peers. Trudy believes the best strategy is to jump ponds and grow again, building influence and reach from a group of peers to the city, the state, the nation, and even globally. Trudy offers a free REACHology(TM) quiz that provides a baseline score of a person's influential reach with strategies to grow that score over time. This and many other services are an outpour of the value stack for working with the PSI TV team.

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PSI TV operates in the business of influential reach, with TV as the primary platform. Clients of PSI TV can enjoy guaranteed views, press-release distribution, and so much more to share their message with a broader audience. For example, West CEO Fitness will be the 17th fitness channel on Roku TV, whereas it would be lost in the millions of fitness channels on YouTube. The opportunity to bring a message to TV is now possible, thanks to PSI TV.

Television appearanceWhere stories live. Discover now