chapter one : new year new me [not]

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RYU EUNJI point of view

september, again.

you've got to be kidding me.

today is september the 3rd, which means it's the first day of school. thankfully it's a friday, so no school tommorow! which means i should probably wake up, or else i'll get a late mark.

oh well! i should take my time, and get that detention so i don't have to stay outside at lunch. i could daydream in the nice and toasty classroom, with a sub om duty playing candy crush or something.

ok, i should really get up, or else i'm going to miss first period, and that would be a shame, wouldn't it?

now i'm wide awake, and my cat, rin, is lying at the foot of my bed. i reach out to stroke her, my fingers gliding across the metallic grey of her fur, as i contemplate on which book to bring with me.

over the summer holidays, i decided to go to my local library and purchase every book that they were selling for, like 20p to 50p, as no one was reading them. hopefully i'll have something to do in class, because it's ever so boring.

i know what'll cheer me up, maccies! i'll pass by mcdonalds and get a happy meal, and beg the staff to put a toy in!

with this decision, i add five quid to my ever so empty hello kitty wallet, and after feeding rin her fish and rice, i quickly go through my routine; brush hair, brush teeth, change clothes, grab school bag, take phone and charger, then BAM i'm out the door like i was never there before.


i swiftly make my way to the bus stop, catching the late bus with ease, the familiar mr. kim recognising my face.
"eunji, if you put effort into school, you know you'd be einstein, no?"

"yes, sir!" i salute jokingly, as he chuckles and motions for me to sit down.

the bus rattles it's way to school, then halts a couple stops before.

a boy, probably my year, enters the bus looking like a dishevelled hag who ate too much porridge and is about to vomit. poor guy must've forgotten his wallet, and seems to be stressed out about how he's going to get to school.

"please, sir, just this once? i promise to come on the bus again tommorow and pay you back!"

"lad, there is no school tommorow which means you'll probably be out finishing a party or sleeping in at this time of day"

now he's really worried. he looks like he's about to piss his pants. i decide to intervene.

"it's alright mr. kim, i'll pay for his daysaver" i declare as i shove my mcdonalds money down the chute, knowing no change will be given. i pat the kid's back, and walk back to my seat.

i'm such a great person!

inside i might feel furious with no hope of maccies, but atleast i have my lunchcard for the cupcakes they sell at school.

nevermind i forgot my lunchcard.

i'll skip last period and go home to eat. go big or go home, right? (GBOGH REFERENCE MUAHAHAHAHAH)

or maybe i'll-

"excuse me?"

who's bothering my train of thought?

"thank you for paying for me, you really didn't have to"

now i'm noticing how australian his accent is. he sounds like his childhood bestfriend was marmite and a kangaroo.

"nah, it's alright mate." i sigh, putting my hands behind my head and relaxing as if i was on a beach lounger, not a school bus. "nice to be nice, boosts my ego" i reply with honesty, laced with sarcasm.

the poor guy's probably too tired to notice my sarcasm, as a confused and slightly offended facial expression spreads across his puppy-like face.

before he can say anything, i grab my bag and walk to the exit, saying a quick thank you to the driver and hopping out the bus, leaving a gobsmacked mcdonalds money stealer in the vehicle.

i smile internally as i trot my way to the canteen, knowing that i will miss registration.


basile here
how was it? we've finally met jake, even if eunji doesnt know it. let's see if they'll m'entend bien or not.
i'll keep writing this even if no one reads it because this is so fun! also, i'm really bad at writing books, i just wanted to try, so hopefully this will turn out ok!! enjoy pookie bears <33
also i might edit this later, it isn't proofread.

30/11/23 23:27pm

30/11/23 23:27pm

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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